Chapter 3

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I go to the bathrooms first and fix my shirt after spilling my water on it from choking "oh look girls if it isn't miss know it all Raelynn" Nikki Bella says making me roll my eyes. That's Nikki Bella the ultimate mean girl, second most popular girl in school and an all around bitch. "Awh Nikki your right it is!" Eva Marie laughs. Ah yes Eva Marie the dumbest person in this school, she's only popular cause she has heaps of money and the guys know she's easy "stay away from Dean, Roman and Seth ya hear me why would they want to hang around with a charity case like you" Brie Bella glares. And that's Brie Bella, Nikki's more evil identical twin sister the most popular girl in school, twice as mean as her sister and twice the bitch too.

I ignore their comments and go to walk away before being pulled back by Brie "don't you dare ignore me I said stay away from them or else" she spits out at me before leaving with Nikki and Eva following. I roll my eyes again before fixing myself up and heading out towards the library. I eventually get to the library and Alyssa is waiting for me "I though you were coming straight here?" She asks confused "I went to the bathroom and had a run in with the dumb and dumber trio" I say sitting down opposite her "what did they say?" "Well Nikki started with the usual remarks about me being a 'know it all' and then Eva was just there as usual and then Brie basically threatened me to stay away from Dean, Roman and Seth" I say as she pushes a smoothie over towards me.

"Oh speaking of them, they talked about you when you left" Alyssa explains gaining my attention "wait what did they say?" I question sipping on my smoothie "well seth was confused as to why you left so suddenly and then dean was really quiet and roman said he thinks it's because dean called you his friend" she explains again "I wonder why he was quiet" I mumble "I'll be right back I need to go do something" she says standing up and leaving "gee thanks Alyssa" I mumble again "is this seat taken?" I hear his voice again "nope." I say as he sits down "why did you run off so suddenly" he asks as I look down not saying anything "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's cause I called you my friend" he speaks again "ding ding ding we have a winner" I say sarcastically "Alyssa is rubbing off on you" he laughs.

I smile slightly looking up at him "so why did you run off when I called you my friend?" He asks "I've spent 5 years in this school with just Alyssa as my friend, I'm a loser here I bet half of our year doesn't even know my name and now all of a sudden one of the most popular and baddest guys in the school calls me his friend it's a lot to take in" I explain looking down again "well now you don't have just one friend" he says standing up "you have four" he grins holding his hand out to me, I take his hand and he pulls me up from my seat "four?" I ask confused "Alyssa, me, Roman and Seth that's four and I thought you were the ones with the brains" he laughs showing off his dimples as I fight the urge to poke a dimple.

"Well I didn't really expect to gain three new friends today but I'm glad, you all aren't as 'scary' and bad as I thought you were" I smile standing in the middle of Dean and Seth "speak for yourself this one is still a giant ass" Alyssa huffs pointing at Roman "I have a giant ass I know" he smirks making Alyssa roll her eyes "see!" The bell rings signalling our next class "I'll see you guys in next period, Dean come on we gotta go" Seth says waving before leaving with Dean.

"Welp come on then 'giant ass'" I tell Roman as he raises an eyebrow at me "Dean was right the shedevil is rubbing off on you" he groans "and who are you calling shedevil!" Alyssa glares at him "you" he laughs before running off with Alyssa hot on his heels i shake my head following them. We arrive at our class and take our seats "I wish he'd quit it!" Alyssa mumbles making me look at her confused "what's he doing?" I ask as she pulls screwed up paper balls from her chair "that's what he's doing throwing paper balls at me" "Alyssa I've told you twice to stop talking during class so detention tonight!" The teacher yells as I try to hide my smirk "just Seth now" I whisper before getting back to my work.

"So how did you get detention?" Seth asks Alyssa "asshat there was throwing paper balls at me and I complained to Raelynn and then got caught talking during class" she rolls her eyes "so Dean got Rae detention and Roman got you detention?" He asks with a smirk "yup pretty much and Rae?" I question the name "yeah that's your new nickname from me" he smiles "I like it" I laugh "speak of the devils" Alyssa says as Dean and Roman walk over to us "he told me" Dean bursts out laughing while Alyssa just stands there pissed as hell making me hide my smile "Sethy boy we gotta get you in with us now" Roman smirks, Seth shakes his head "nope! Not happening"

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