Chapter 4

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"I can't believe you all got me put in detention!" Seth groans making the rest of us laugh "well we couldn't leave you out now could we" I grin at Seth who's sat in the middle of us all with me and Dean on the left of him and Alyssa and Roman on the right.

"Raelynn Hope Guerrero!" I cringe hearing my full name as I walk into the house "yes daddy?" I ask walking into the kitchen seeing my dad sitting at the table and Nathan stood by the refrigerator with a smirk on his face "Nathan told me you got detention today and it was because of a guy is that true?" He asks making me glare at Nathan "yes I got a detention and no it wasn't cause of a guy daddy I was talking to Alyssa and got caught" I say hoping he believes me "as long as it wasn't a guy and next time remember we lie, we cheat, we steal so don't get caught" he laughs hugging me as Nathan's mouth drops "dad! She got a freaking detention aren't you gonna punish her?" He complains "well I can't ground you cause you don't go anywhere and I can't stop Alyssa coming as she pretty much lives here half the time so no I'm not gonna punish you" he says before clearing us out of the kitchen to make dinner.

"How do you do it?!" Nathan fumes "do what?" I ask innocently knowing it will piss him off more "get away with freaking everything!" He storms away into his room as I head to mine. I pick up my phone ringing Alyssa "hello?" She asks "Nathan ratted me out!" I say "he told your dad about detention? What a jerk" "dad was pissed but I told him that I was talking to you and got caught" I laugh "and what was the punishment?" She laughs "nothing, I don't go out so he can't ground me and he can't stop you from coming over as you pretty much live here half the time" I say.

~time skip next morning~

I take one last look in my mirror before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs "good morning daddy" I smile kissing his cheek "good morning sweetheart I'm gonna be late home tonight work needs me so here's 20 dollars to get dinner for you and Nathan" he says handing me a 20 "I'll put yours in the refrigerator daddy don't forget to eat okay?" I say grabbing an apple and hugging him before running out the door expecting to see Alyssa's car but it's not there and Roman's car is there instead "my car is in the garage so Roman is giving us a ride to school today" she yells throwing her head out of the window, I make my way over to the car and get in the back and we head off to school.

"Quit it!" Alyssa says slapping Romans hand away after he poked her in the cheek "I said quit it!" She huffs again "I swear if I didn't know you guys I'd think you were together with the way you act" I laugh "first Seth and now you ugh" Alyssa rolls her eyes going quiet I'm gonna question her later about that hmm, we arrive at school and park up "thanks for the ride Ro" I smile "no problem Doll" he laughs at the nicknames "well I want a nickname too" Alyssa sighs dramatically "yours is shedevil" Roman smirks as she slaps his chest "Well yours is asshat" she smirks back making me laugh and walk away.

"Wait up darlin'" I hear him call out as I stop and wait for him "darlin?" I question "yeah it's my name for you" he grins throwing his arm around my shoulders as we start walking into school "so I've got darlin' from you, Seth calls me Rae and I've got Doll from Ro" I laugh smiling "Rae!!" I hear Seth yell running towards me making me laugh loudly "Sethy!" I yell back giggling "so what's mine then darlin?" Dean whispers in my ear making me shiver "hmm yours is Deano" I grin as he smiles back at me "will you put me down!" We turn around hearing Alyssa yelling "what the hell?" Dean asks "shedevil here wouldn't move and kept saying make her if I want her to move so I picked her up and carried her instead" Roman says with Alyssa over his shoulder like it's normal.

"We gotta head to class" I laugh as Alyssa wiggles free from Romans grasp "do that again and I swear you won't be ever having kids" she threatens him brushing off her shirt before grabbing my arm pulling me away "bye boys!" I yell before following my best friend "spill it" I say as we sit down in our seats "spill what?" She replies looking away "you know what I'm talking about you and Ro!" I say smiling "there's nothing to say he's an asshat that's it" she looks away again her tell tale sign she's lying "Alyssa I know your lying cause your looking away" I say smugly "ugh fine i think he's cute that's it" she says looking at me now "I knew it!" I say happily smiling before someone ruins it knocking my coffee on the floor "great" I mumble picking up my empty drink.

"Dude get off me!" I look up seeing Dean pinning the guy to the wall "Dean just let him go it's not worth it" I say quietly noticing all eyes on me "apologise to her now" he snarls at the guy "I-I'm sorry" the guy stutters as dean drops him to the ground walking over to me "I'll get you another one before our next class" he says smiling at me before sitting behind me with Roman "you can all stop staring at her now!" Roman barks out making everyone look away as the whispers start "she's clearly paying them to be her friend" I hear someone say obviously trying to be heard "that's it! If anyone has anything to fucking say about me and my brothers being friends with Rae and Aly come say it to my face! And for whoever said that she was paying us? That's bullshit they're our best friends" Seth yells making me jump and everyone else go quiet.

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