Chapter 12

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We arrive at school and we're not late thankfully, Dean opens my door for me "thank you Deano" I giggle as he takes my hand intertwining our fingers "and here comes the whispers" he laughs "let them whisper I'm really not bothered anymore" I say moving closer to him, we walk into school "Rae! I need you it's Alyssa" Seth yells frantically making me worry and let go of Deans hand running after Seth towards Alyssa, I find her on the floor near her locker crying "Alyssa!" I say kneeling down infront of her "Alyssa breathe 1,2,3" she starts to calm down "just keep doing your breathing" I say "what's happened?" Roman asks worried "she's had a panic attack but I don't know what's caused it" I explain to him "there she is" I hear that cackle seeing Brie and Nikki with one of the juniors "what do you want" I say rolling my eyes.

"We just wanted to congratulate Alyssa I mean being 17 and pregnant" Nikki smirks and here come the whispers again "such a slut, I bet she doesn't even know who's it is" Brie laughs making my blood boil, I stand up facing the dumb and dumber twins "what did you just call her?" I ask trying to keep my cool "you heard me she's a slut I mean who gets pregnant at 17" Nikki laughs along with Brie. In a split second my first collides with Nikki's face  hearing a crack "she may be 17 but at least she wasn't 14 like someone I know" I say looking straight at Brie as her mouth drops "you swore you'd never tell anyone that!" She yells stomping her foot as the crowd that's has now formed gasps and the whispers start all over again. Roman helps Alyssa up holding her close.

"Oh Nicole, she does know who the dad is" Roman smirks "it's me" he says before walking away with Alyssa leaving Nikki and Brie in shock.

"Are you going to the game tonight" Alyssa asks me as we walk to the cafeteria "Yeah I think so" I say pushing open the door "I wasn't gonna go but Ro's asked me to come" she replies her face going red "your blushing!" I laugh as we reach our table "can you get me my usual" I say handing her the money "no need girls it's on us today" Dean says walking over with Roman and Seth "Chicken salad and your caramel iced coffee thing" he smiles handing me my food "BLT with a Coke Zero" Roman says handing Alyssa her food "you didn't have to do this boys but thank you" she smiles as I nod agreeing with her "we wanted to do it to say thank you for being the only people in this school that treats us like normal people" Seth says "everyone in the school tends to be either scared of us or looks at us like a piece of meat" Roman explains "well we're not going anywhere your our boys your stuck with us now" I laugh leaning my head on deans shoulder he wraps his arm around my waist.

"You sure there's nothing going on between you?" Seth smirks "nope" dean says "he's a affectionate guy and I don't mind it I love cuddles" I say smiling up at Dean as he kisses my head "Alyssa tells me you asked her to come to the game tonight" I smirk at Roman trying to get the attention off me and dean "she's my good luck charm" he grins making her blush again "speaking of the game I got something for you babygirl" he hand Alyssa his jersey with his name and number on the back "I'll wear it tonight" she smiles kissing his cheek side hugging him "why am I always the 5th wheel" Seth groans making Alyssa slap him on the back of the head "you aren't 5th wheeling you doofus"

"So we'll pick you both up at 6 before the game" dean says motioning to him and Seth making me nod "let's go we gotta get ready" Alyssa says pulling me towards her car "i'm thinking of just wearing his jersey with leggings and my hightops, I don't wanna be sitting there for ages in jeans now that my stomach is gonna start getting bigger" Alyssa explains making me nod "yeah that's understandable I'm gonna wear jeans tho and my oversized white t-shirt with my vans" I say as we arrive at my house. "I just realised when you said your wearing leggings you mean mine don't you" I laugh as she nods "well of course" she laughs as we walk into my house.

"Where are you going and who are you gonna be around" my dad says "we're going to the football game with Seth to watch Roman play dad" I say rolling my eyes "so that delinquent won't be there?" He asks "no Dean won't be there and he's not a delinquent at all if anything your son is the delinquent have you seen his report card recently?" I say with sass before walking upstairs Alyssa following me "Paige?" I question seeing her walk out of Nathan's room clutching her shirt "I gotta go" she says before quickly walking downstairs "where did Paige go?" Nathan says walking out of his room in just sweats "I swear to god! If that's what I think it was you are a dead guy walking Nathan and I'm not gonna stop them" I say walking into my bedroom "I need to tell Seth" I say grabbing my phone "he's not gonna believe you without proof he's head over heels for that thing" Alyssa says holding up her phone.

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