Chapter 36

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"So what was the text about before?" I ask confused "well I overheard Brie on the phone to someone so I decided to eavesdrop" she says "she was on the phone to Randy, her exact words were 'what did I tell you, she doesn't want you she wants Dean' I couldn't hear what he was saying but she had a smirk on her face" Nikki explains "she set him up! She's been feeding him lies and that's why he cheated on me" I say "that's it. I was trying to play fair but she's fucked me over one too many times now I'm playing dirty" I smirk

"Dad! I'm going out with Nik and Alyssa to the mall, the boys are gonna stay here" I yell as we walk out of the door.

"I'm here to pick up my prom dress" Nikki says "what's the name please?" The person asks "Brie Bella" she says as the person goes to the back to get the dress "here you go miss Bella it's all been paid for we hope you like it" they say handing Nikki the dress "oh it's perfect!" She grins happily as we walk out of the store "hmm girls I think we should go to Starbucks" she smirks "we'll have to go in the drive thru but I'm down for Starbucks" I laugh.

We get to the drive thru and Alyssa 'accidentally' spills her coffee on the dress "whoops" she grins "let's go get it dry cleaned" I say as we drive to the dry cleaners.

"Can you put this on a high wash and dry" I say handing the dress over "It'll be ready in about an hour" they say as we leave "let's go see what the boys are up to" Alyssa says as we head home. "We're back!" She yells "movie room!" Seth yells as we head to the movie room.

"What are we watching?" I ask sitting down next to Dean getting comfy "the hangover" he grins "I'll be right back, Liv's calling me" Seth says standing up before walking out "who's Liv?" Nikki asks "his girlfriend, she's my cousin but lives a few hours away from here" Alyssa explains "I understand Liv, it's hard for both of us of course I still wanna be your friend" Seth says from the doorway "I'll FaceTime you later" he says before hanging up "me and Liv have decided to just be friends, the distance is too much and we've only seen each other twice in months" he explains sitting down "oh Sethy are you sure your okay?" I ask "I'm honestly fine I knew it was coming to be honest" he smiles "well Seth I guess I'm sitting with you" Nikki laughs pointing at me and Dean cuddling together and then Alyssa and Roman cuddling "I guess we are Nik" he grins as she sits next to him.

I lean over to Alyssa "she likes him!" I whisper pointing slyly at Nikki and Seth "it's clear as day! But let's not get involved this time if it happens it happens" Alyssa laughs as I nod.

~a week later~

"I can't believe it's only 2 weeks till prom" Alyssa grins "and 5 weeks left till little miss makes her entrance" Ro says happily resting his hands on Alyssa's bump "if someone had told me at the beginning of this school year that my best friend would be pregnant and I'd become best friends with Nikki and the shield brothers i'd have laughed in their face" I say "but I'm so glad you boys came into mine and Alyssa lives" I say side hugging them both "Seth tell the girls what you told me before about what you wanna do when you leave here" Roman says "I've found a wrestling school to train at, its about 10 minutes away from here" he explains "next thing you know we'll be seeing you on tv with wwe" I say grinning.

"Have you thought about what your gonna do when you leave here?" I ask Alyssa "I'm not sure now I had my heart set on going to nursing college but now I have my little girl to think about" she smiles "I'm hoping I get accepted for my football scholarship" Roman grins "what about you Rae?" Seth asks me "I'm really not sure yet" I shrug.

~time skip 2 days before prom~

"It's finally here!" Alyssa says happily pushing the door open to the dress shop "have you got anything in mind" Nikki asks "anything that will fit at this point" she laughs as we start looking at dresses "what do you think girls?" I ask holding up a gold sparkly fitted dress "that's gorgeous! Go try it on" Nikki says grinning pushing me towards the fitting rooms, I put on the dress and instantly fall in love with it "are you ready?" I ask "don't leave us hanging any longer we wanna see" Alyssa says impatient, I walk out in the dress.

"Rae you look incredible!" Nikki says as Alyssa nods "I think I found my dress" I smile happily "Nikki's turn now" Alyssa says "I want something that's gonna hug my curves" she says as I go change out of my dress "what about this one?" Alyssa says holding up a purple fitted dress "ooo that's cute I'll try it on!" Nikki says as Alyssa hands her the dress.

"Nikki! Are you ready?" I yell "whatcha think girls?" She asks spinning around "that looks amazing on you! And your figure is to die for" Alyssa says "it fits your curves perfectly just like you wanted" I say "two down one to go" Nikki laughs going back to get changed out of her dress "can I help you with anything?" The lady walks over to us "yes if you don't mind, as you can tell I'm heavily pregnant and I just need a dress that will fit my bump" Alyssa laughs "we have a selection of maternity dresses here" the lady smiles pointing Alyssa in the direction of the dresses.

"The colour of this is gorgeous!" She says pulling out a dark blue dress with a slit in the leg "go try it on!" I say as she waddles over to the fitting room "Rae, little help please" she says as I get up to go help her "I hate being pregnant sometimes ugh" she complains "you'll be complaining about missing your bump when she's here" I laugh before walking back out and sitting down next to Nikki "is this okay girls?" Alyssa asks walking out "damn mama that's more than okay! Romans not gonna be able to keep his hands off you" Nikki grins laughing "we all have our dresses!" Alyssa says happily.

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