Chapter 10

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"Finally! I've been so bored on my own" Alyssa complains making me laugh "I got you something" I say throwing the little bag at her "I don't need this" she rolls her eyes throwing the test back at me "you've been throwing up nonstop and complaining of backache" I say handing her the test "go take it" she grumbles before getting up and going to the bathroom. I sit on her bed waiting "we gotta wait 5 minutes now" she says walking back out "this is gonna be the longest 5 minutes ever" I complain. The alarm goes off signalling it's been 5 minutes "I can't look you check for me" she says with her head in her hands, I get off the bed and pick up the test reading it "oh my god Alyssa" I say as she looks at me I show her the test POSITIVE "this can't be happening right now" she says nearly in tears.

"I got your text what's going on?" Roman says walking into the room "Alyssa's got something to tell you" I say moving off the bed onto the beanbag so he can sit down, "um I'm still trying to get my head around this but congratulations dad!" She says handing him the test "are you serious I'm gonna be a dad?" He asks in shock as she nods "I'm gonna be a dad!" He says excitedly hugging her "we're gonna be parents" he repeats still holding her in his arms "we need to tell Dean and Seth!" Alyssa says happily "so I guess your happy now " I laugh.

~ next day at school~

"Aly! Your back!" Seth yells hugging her "lyssa! Don't leave me with these two again!" Dean laughs hugging her "so I've got an idea wanna ditch school today" she asks them "yeah sure" Seth laughs as we all head out of the school and pile into Romans car "where to??" Dean asks "my house I've got gifts for you all" Alyssa says smiling as Roman sets off towards Alyssa's house, we arrive and get out of the car heading inside.

"So I'll give you guys your gift first" Alyssa says handing gift bags to Seth and Dean they open them pulling out a mug "only the best brothers get promoted to uncle" Dean reads as the penny drops he almost drops his mug "NO WAY!!" He yells hugging Alyssa spinning her around before brohugging Roman "there's more in there" she giggles "ninja in training just like my uncle Seth" Seth reads the onesie as dean pulls out his "uncle Dean's drinking buddy" he reads laughing while Seth hugs Alyssa and Roman "I got something for you Raelynn too" she smiles handing me a bag "if mama says no auntie Rae will say yes" I read tearing up "Alyssa this is so cute!" I say hugging her "and last but certainly not least my favourite teddy bear" she smirks handing Roman his gift "warning don't check out my daddy cause mommy is a psycho!" He reads before laughing "you got that right but your my psycho" he grins hugging her from behind resting his hands on her stomach.

"Alyssa if you have a girl she's doomed when it comes to boys" I laugh "of course she is with me as her dad no boys are getting near her" Ro says "we second that" Seth laughs "I just thought your gonna have to tell dad" I say making her eyes go wide "I didn't even think about that shit" she complains "he's at home now come on" she says "Ro your gonna have to come with us" I say "what about us?" Seth asks "just make yourself at home we won't be long" Alyssa says grabbing her phone as we head out to Romans car driving towards my house.

"Daddy?" I shout "in the kitchen!" He yells back as we walk into the kitchen "papa I've got something to tell you" Alyssa says sitting down at the island "who's this?" My dad asks "daddy this is Roman one of mine and Alyssa's best friends" I say "nice to meet you sir" Roman says holding his hand out for my dad "sir makes me sound old call me Eddie son" he laughs shaking Romans hand "what did you want to tell me lyssa" he asks "here papa your gonna be a grandpapa" Alyssa says putting the test infront of him holding her breath as my dad puts two and two together "are you dating him?" He looks between them both "not yet sir I want to take her on dates and I wanted to get your permission first" Roman says nervously "you have my blessing to date my daughter" he says "but if you break her heart I will hunt you down and are you gonna be providing for your child" my dad asks "papi déjalo solo!" ( daddy leave him alone) I say telling him off "no I want to know" my dad says making me roll my eyes.

"I promise you sir I'm gonna stay with her through everything and I will provide for her and my child" Roman says confidently "welcome to the family son" my dad hugs him even tho Ro is taller than him "we're gonna go back to my place papa our other best friends are waiting there" Alyssa says "no no bring them here" my dad says "I'll go pick them up babygirl" Roman says kissing Alyssa's head before walking out of the house "we'll be in my room daddy shout us when roman gets back" I say pulling Alyssa upstairs.

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