Chapter 42

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"Get off me!" She yells as I carry her to the car alongside Seth "your not going anywhere until you tell me where Randy is" I say putting her in the car and locking the doors as Seth gets into the passenger side "if I tell you he'll kill me" she mumbles quietly "he won't touch you as long as I'm around, yes you tried to ruin my relationship twice and your not exactly innocent in all this but I won't let him kill you just please tell me where he is and then once I get Rae back stay away from us" I say backing out of the driveway.

"This the place?" Seth questions "yes, she's in the basement" Renee says "stay in here I'm locking the doors too" I say getting out of the car following Seth towards the abandoned looking house "ready for this?" He asks as I nod before kicking down the door "let's go" I whisper as we walk into the house trying to find our way to the basement "Dean! It's here" Seth says in a hushed voice, we make our way down the basement stairs "1!,2!,3!" I count down before kicking the door open again "DEAN! SETH!" Raelynn yells as tears fall down her face "well look who it is Prince Charming coming to save his damsel in distress" Randy says with a smirk "Seth help Rae I've got this" I say seething, he runs over to help her "what ya gonna do Orton? Was the last trip to the nurses office not enough?" I say lunging at him throwing punches as he tries to block them he manages to throw a punch hitting me in the face.

~Raelynns pov~

The door practically flies off the hinges and in walks "DEAN! SETH!" I yell as tears fall down my face "Seth help Rae I've got this" Dean says as Seth comes over to help me "Seth call this number please, it's Chris he's the one who's basically kept me alive in here Randy hired him to make sure I didn't escape, call him for me and let him know you and Dean found me and get him to come here" I say slipping a small bit of paper to Seth as he calls the number "he's on his way" he says as he unties the ropes around my legs and hands "I'm here!" Chris yells "they found me!" I say crying again as he decides to help Dean fight Randy, they get him down and Dean pins him to the floor "you ever come near her or any of us again I will kill you, ya hear me?!" He says pushing Randys face into the floor once more.

"Thanks man but who are you?" Dean questions looking at Chris "Randy payed him to keep an eye on me so I didn't escape, he's actually kept me alive this whole time bringing me extra food and water and he tried to plan a way to help me escape" I explain as Dean shakes his hand "I owe you one thank you for helping her" he says before rushing over to me pulling me in his arms, I hug him tightly melting in his embrace "I really don't wanna spoil this moment but we gotta go Aly is on her way to the hospital, Jojo is on her way" Seth says looking at his phone "wait Alyssa's in labour?!" I yell shocked "yeah her contractions started a couple hours ago" Dean explains "we need to go we are not missing our goddaughters birth!" I say pulling Dean with me as Seth trails behind.

"wait I gotta say goodbye to Chris" I say running over to him and giving him a hug "thank you so much i cant put into words how much I'm grateful for you, your like the big brother I never had well besides Seth and Roman" I say wiping my face "there's no need to thank me Raelynn, you helped me see the good in people and no matter where life takes you, you'll always be the little sister I never had" he says hugging me one last time before pushing me towards the car, I get in the passenger side as Seth gets in the back "ugh" I hear a female voice "what's she doing here?!" I say with anger in my voice "she brought us here" Seth says "not out of my own free will, he made me tell them" she says rolling her eyes "well you can leave now if you want I don't care" I say "I can't, if Dean hasn't killed Randy then Randy will kill me for telling them where you were" she explains looking down.

"Well even though I can't stand you and you tried to ruin my relationship, thank you for telling them where I was" I say as Dean steps on the gas "dude whoa slow down" she says "no can do, my best friend is about to give birth and there's no way I'm missing mine and their goddaughter be born" I say as we reach the hospital and get out of the car leaving Renee inside it "hi can you tell me where Alyssa Michaels is please" I say "um room 329" the lady says as we take the elevator to her room "IM BACK!" I yell walking into her room first tackling Roman with a hug "I missed you Ro!" I say hugging him tightly and then going over to hug Nikki "he's been going outta his mind without you" she whispers hugging me, I then lean over the hospital bed and give my best friend the biggest hug ever "I thought I was gonna lose you" she cries making me cry "you could never lose me, I'm the short half of our whole idiot remember" i say with tears falling down my face "and I'm the tall half of our whole idiot" she says whilst laughing in between sobs.

"You must be Raelynn?" The nurses asks me as I nod "Alyssa has you and Roman down as her birthing partners is that correct" she questions "yes that is correct" I say "well Alyssa and Roman it looks like your gonna be parents real soon" she says as Romans face goes pale "can one of you get him some water before he passes out" I say as Alyssa squeezes my hand.

I head out of the door to get the others "come meet your goddaughter" I say beaming with happiness as they all pile in "she's so tiny" Nikki coos "everyone meet Destiny-Hope Reigns" Roman says proudly "wait? Hope as in my middle name?" I say with tears in my eyes as they nod "we've said since 7th grade that our first born girl will be named after each other so she has hope in her name like yours" Alyssa smiles as Roman gives baby Destiny to Dean "that's your uncle Deano" Roman says softly as she wraps her hand around Deans finger making my heart melt.

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