Chapter 5

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"I'll see you next period" Alyssa groans walking away with Seth to their class "coffee?" Dean asks me with a coffee in his hand "Caramel coffee thing with cream like you got yesterday when you bumped into me" he grins "you noticed?" I giggle taking the coffee from him "yeah" he says rubbing the back of his neck "um Raelynn?" I hear from behind me seeing the guy who knocked my coffee over on purpose "that's me" I say with no emotion "again I'm sorry for the coffee thing here" he says handing me 5 dollars "I don't need your money but thanks anyway" I say walking away "I'll take that though" dean smirks grabbing the five dollars and putting it in his pocket following me.

"Did you just take that five dollars?" I ask him laughing as he just grins while we walk to class, we reach our class and take our seats "Mr Ambrose your actually on time?" The teachers looks shocked "her fault" he says pointing towards me "well thank you Miss Guerrero" the teacher says before getting on with today's work, I grab my airpods putting one in before handing the other to Dean "really taylor swift?" He complains "hey leave Taylor alone!" I giggle "so it looks like the Mac isn't working so you guys can have a free period but your essay is due next week!" The teacher says as everyone rushes out of the room, I grab my bag standing up walking out with dean as he puts his arm around my shoulders again making me smile and move into him more "comfy?" He asks smiling as I nod looking up at him "Raelynn!" I hear a shrill noise seeing Brie, Nikki and Eva walking towards us making me roll my eyes.

"Brie?" I ask confused "I'm Nikki silly but we wanted to invite you to hang with us" Nikki says "we did?" Eva says confused "yes we did remember Eva" Brie shoots her a look "oh yeah I forgot" "so what do you say?" Nikki asks "she's busy" dean replies for me looking at them in disgust "she can speak for herself can't she" Brie says looking at him like a piece of meat "like Deano said I'm busy" I say "well surely you can drop what you have and then come hang with us?" Nikki says fake smiling "I'm pretty sure Rae would rather hang out with her real friends that some fakeass kardashian wannabes" Alyssa says from behind them with Seth walking behind her "oh so the other one does speak?" Eva rolls her eyes "erm 'other one'? I have a name and speak to me like that again and I'll rip those extensions outta your head" "I think Roman needs to get his bitch on a leash before she attacks" Nikki smirks "that's it" Alyssa says taking out her hoops handing them to me before tying her hair up.

"You wanna do this? It's 3 on 1 bitch" Brie smirks as I hand Alyssas earrings to Seth and step forward "2 now bitch" I say "your still outnumbered" Eva says "oh wow red you can count to 3?" We hear a voice from behind and see a tall girl with black hair "Rae, Aly this is Paige my girlfriend, Paige this is Rae and Aly my best friends" Seth says as Paige stands next to us "3 on 3 now bitch so you still wanna try us?" She smirks as they step back before walking well running away "dang I wanted to fight though" Alyssa groans "next time" I laugh "thanks for helping us" she smiles at Paige "it's nothing I can't stand those girls" she smiles back at us "we've never seen you around before?" I say confused "I just transferred from another school that's why and I'm not a senior like you guys I'm a junior" she explains "well you made two new senior friends" Alyssa grins "where the hell did the boys go also Seth has your earrings Alyssa" I say looking around.

"Also I guess you have free period too?" She asks me "yeah something to do with the computers not working" I say confused "that's the same in our class" Alyssa says as the boys walk over to us "here's your earrings" Seth says handing Alyssa her earrings "why do you have her earrings" Roman asks jealously slight in his voice "the girls were about to get into a fight with the dumb and dumber trio until they ran away scared and by they I mean the twins and Eva" Seth explains as dean starts laughing "why did I miss that?" He complains throwing his arm over my shoulder again as I lean into him "Seth I gotta go to my next class" Paige says kissing his cheek before walking away "I got a question for you seth how did only our two classes computers break?" I smirk as he shrugs grinning "computer genius here hacked their system to give us a free period" Roman laughs.

"Do you all wanna just ditch for the day?" Dean asks as we're all sat outside on the benches "I'm down" me and Alyssa say at the same time "my dads at work so if Nathan snitches I'll say I got sent home sick" I say "who's Nathan?" The boys ask "unfortunately my twin brother" I say rolling my eyes "wait Nathan as in the douchebag on my team who thinks he great at everything?" Roman asks making me nod "yep that's him, nobody in this school knows we're related let alone twins as he uses my moms surname in school" I explain "so your last name is Guerrero? I swear I've heard that name before" Seth says "my grandfather was a wrestler back in the 80's for WWF but my dad never wanted to be a wrestler that's probably where you know the name Guerrero" I say.

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