Chapter 2

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"So what's your deal why are you so quiet?" Dean asks while following me as I'm walking to my locker "I'm what everyone calls a loser and a nerd so go figure" I say putting my math book and history book in my locker and grabbing my English book before quickly checking my phone, I reply back to my dad about not waiting up for me and put my phone in my pocket, shutting my locker waiting for Alyssa to show "your not like other girls there's something different about you" he says looking at me making me look away "thanks I guess?" I question confused as Alyssa walks around the corner thank the lord "well I gotta go" I say rushing off towards Alyssa "why the hell was Dean Ambrose stood at your locker with you and why is everyone in school talking about you and him?!" Alyssa asks all at once before taking a breath.

"Long story short I bumped into him while grabbing my iced coffee and then he took the blame for me being late to class and now he won't stop following me around" I say with a huff as we sit down in English class "Ambrose, Reigns late again so I'll see you in detention tonight" our teacher says with no emotion "I can't I've got football practice" Roman tried to argue with her "I don't care if you had a nfl match you have detention that's final" she turns around before writing on the board.

Dean gets up walking over towards me and Alyssa and takes a seat infront of me "Ambrose what are you doing?" She asks "Raelynn asked me to come over" he smirks making my mouth drop "I didn't!" I say as she glares at us "Raelynn I never thought I'd say this but detention tonight!" She yells "but!" I say before she cuts me off "no buts you have detention" I groan before looking back down at my school work "see you in detention" Ambrose smirks at me before walking back to his own seat. I mentally scream that jerk face purposely got me put in detention!

"I can't believe he got me put in detention! My dad is gonna flip!" I say "he won't know your in detention he thinks your studying late with me" Alyssa laughs "your right but I'm still gonna be stuck in detention with Ambrose and Reigns lord help me" I say dramatically.

"My dad is gonna kill me if i miss another practice!" I hear from behind I turn around seeing Dean and Roman walking towards us "well if you weren't late to class all the time you wouldn't get detentions and miss practice problem solved" Alyssa says smirking at him "tell your friend to shut her smart ass mouth up will ya" Roman says glaring at Alyssa before walking away "the names Alyssa!" She shouts after him "come on you've done enough let's go before the popular girls decide to attack us for talking to him" I say as we walk away from Dean who's still stood by the lockers.

"you need to do something to get detention with me please!" I plead "sure not like I've got anything else to do tonight besides I can piss Reigns off in there it's fun" she smirks making me shake my head. We find a seat in the cafeteria and sit down, I hand her some money "grab me a sandwich while your there" I say as she walks over to get her lunch as I keep our seats Dean walks over to me again "where's Alyssa?" He asks as I point towards the food "where's Reigns?" I ask as he does the same "mind if we sit with you both? He asks "what about Roman he doesn't particularly like me or Alyssa" I say rolling my eyes "he's just gonna have to get used to it then ain't he, Seth! Over here!" He yells as Seth walks over.

"Raelynn meet Seth, Seth meet Raelynn" Dean says, I say hi quietly and he ignores me before dean slaps him on the back of the head "hey" he says rubbing the back of his head glaring at Dean "I swear if you don't quit mocking me!" Alyssa yells walking over as Roman mocks her again "Dean tell your friend to quit it before I freaking murder him" she glares sitting down next to me

"The names Roman" he mocks her again making Dean laugh "you two don't even know each other and are already acting like an old married couple" I say giggling "we are not!" They say in sync before going quiet and eating their food "so not to be rude but why are we sitting here" Seth asks "cause Raelynn's my friend okay" Dean says making me choke on my water "are you okay?!" Alyssa asks patting me on the back as everyone in the cafeteria looks at me "yeah I'm fine I'm gonna go to the library meet me there when you've finished your lunch yeah?" I ask before standing up and leaving.

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