Chapter 25

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"Nothing is going on with me and Randy he's just a friend that I made" I laugh "but would you say no if he asked you on a date?" She laughs "I wouldn't say no, I mean have you seen him and before you guys came over we were talking about family and everything he's very family orientated he has 4 sisters so he's the opposite of me" I smile "Your surrounded by boys and he's surrounded by girls" she laughs "that's exactly what I said when I was talking to him about it" I say grinning "Alyssa can I ring you back, someone's trying to ring me" I say "sure just ring back whenever" she says as I hang up on her and answer the other call "hello?" I ask "hey Raelynn it's Randy" I hear him say making my cheeks flush red.

"Hey Randy" I smile "I just wanted to say thank you for the help with the math work I'm starting to figure it out now" he laughs "it's no problem honestly it was fun and you still need to teach me how to play basketball tomorrow" I giggle "I think you'll pick it up easily" he says "i'm hopeless with sports besides wrestling" I laugh "well I'm a good teacher so I'll having you playing pro in no time" he says making me smile "well I'll let you go I've gotta finish my homework but I'll see you tomorrow Randy" I say happily "i'll see you tomorrow Raelynn" he says as I hang up.

"Lord help me" I say falling back on the bed.

~next morning~

"I'm leaving" I yell heading out of the door and over to Alyssa's car "oh um hi" I say noticing Renee sat on Deans lap in the back of the car, I text Ro asking him to switch with me he looks down at his phone and nods getting out of the car and sitting in the back, i sit shotgun next to Alyssa "so who was it that phoned you last night, you forgot to ring me back" she smirks making me roll my eyes "Randy called me and I didn't ring you back cause I fell asleep" I laugh as Dean scoffs "is there a problem?" I turn in my seat glaring at him "Dean stop please" Renee says quietly "yeah listen to your girlfriend" I say turning back in my seat as Alyssa parks up at school.

"Raelynn do you have a problem with me or something?" Renee asks me "not you Renee but your boyfriend there's a lot you don't know about him" I say walking off to find Randy "I gotcha" I feel arms wrap around my waist, I look down seeing tattoos "Randy" I giggle "I was just about to look for you" I smile spinning around to face him "hey Randy" Alyssa waves walking over to us with roman and Seth behind her "hey guys" he grins "Seth this is Randy you haven't met yet, Randy this is Seth my other best friend" I say happily.

"Hey man" Randy waves to Seth "oh Seth I forgot to tell you, Randy is trying out for the basketball team" I explain "you play?" Seth asks "yeah I was the captain of the team in my old school so I'm hoping to get on the team here" randy rubs the back of his neck "I'll put a good word in with the coach, I'm also on the basketball team" Seth grins "thanks man I appreciate it" they bro hug and I notice Dean walking over with Renee "Lyssa i'll see you in class" I say giving her a look and she turns around seeing him "I'll be there in 5" she says making me nod "lets go" I tell randy as we walk off towards our class.


Finally it's lunch I think to myself leaving the classroom and heading towards the cafeteria, I feel myself getting pulled into the janitors closet "what the hell?!" I yell seeing Dean stood infront of me "why have you been avoiding me all day?" He asks "you have a freaking girlfriend yet you still call me darlin, and act like you did before her towards me what do you expect Dean" I roll my eyes "like I said before darlin I know what I want and I always get it" he smirks "your girlfriend is waiting for you" I say with no emotion leaving the room walking towards the cafeteria again.

"There you are" Alyssa says "your never late for lunch" she laughs "I'll tell you later" I say slyly motioning to Renee as Alyssa nods realising it's about Dean, "are we still on for tonight?" Randy asks sitting down next to me "what's tonight?" I hear dean say sitting down at our table "nothing to do with you Dean" I say rolling my eyes "but yeah Randy we're still on for tonight, I can't wait" I smile happily as I feel a fry being thrown at me "Seth I swear you throw another fry at me and I will hurt you" I grumble pulling the fry out of my hair "you have to admit that was a good shot" Seth laughs, I throw a fry at him and he catches it in his mouth "ugh show off" I roll my eyes playfully.

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