Chapter 30

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~at home~

"Has he told you where he's taking you yet" Alyssa asks me eating her subway "all he mentioned was dinner" I say digging through my closet "oh I have the perfect thing for you" Alyssa says getting up off my bed and walking into the closet with me "he just messaged you with where he's taking me didn't he?" I laugh as she nods "yeah but I'm not telling you" she says "fine just help me find something" I grumble "you'll need this and then this romper with these shoes" she hands me a blue striped romper, a bikini and my white sandals "go put those on and I'll do you hair and makeup" she pushes me out of my closet "dang pushy much" I mumble walking into my bathroom "I heard that!" She yells, I put on my bikini and romper over the top before putting on my sandals "are you sure this is enough? He said dinner and why the hell do I need a bikini I'm confused" I say as she pulls me to my vanity table.

"I'm not saying anything" she smirks styling my hair and makeup "and your done" she smiles stepping back admiring her work "thank you lyssa" I grin happily "and just in time he's here" she says as he knocks on the front door, I walk downstairs and see my dad talking to Randy "wow Raelynn you look amazing" Randy says in awe "thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I giggle as he hands me a bouquet of lilies "I'll put those in water for you" Alyssa says from behind me, I hand her the flowers "are you ready to go?" Randy asks smiling making me nod "have her back by 11 son" my dad says "I will Eddie" Randy says holding his hand out for me, I take his hand and we walk towards his truck he opens my door for me "thank you" I smile "no problem gorgeous" he says with a wink getting into the truck.

"So where are we going?" I ask hoping to get some clue "I'm not telling you its a surprise" he laughs making me groan playfully, we continue driving and sing along to the radio before stopping. "Put this on" he says handing me a blindfold "seriously" I smirk as he nods I put on the blindfold and we start driving again "we're nearly here I just gotta park and then make sure everything is done" he says.

We come to a stop "stay there and keep your blindfold on" he says making me nod "as long as your not planning to kill me please" i say laughing as he gets out of the truck shutting his door, it's been about 5 minutes but it feels like ages "okay you can take off your blindfold" he says opening my door I take off my blindfold and take his hand again as he helps me outta the truck "so it's nothing fancy but I thought you'd like it" he says rubbing the back of his neck stepping out of the way so I can see "randy this is amazing thank you!" I say happily seeing the back of his truck filled with blankets and a picnic "I still don't know why lyssa made me wear a bikini tho" I say confused "well I thought after the picnic we could go swimming in the lake" he says making me smile.

He helps me up into the back of his truck and I sit down as he gets in, "so I kinda got Alyssa to help me with this I didn't know what to bring but I got apple juice, sandwiches, chocolate dipped strawberries and goldfish crackers as Alyssa said they are your favourite" he grins "I'm gonna murder her, we have this running joke about my love for goldfish crackers and she's decided to embarrass me with it" I say laughing hiding my face "I think it's cute and they are very good so I agree" he smiles as we tuck into the picnic.

We finish our food and decide to go into the Lake "I hope you brought towels" I laugh "I did don't worry and Alyssa gave me a spare outfit for you to go back in" he grins "you really have thought of everything" I giggle taking off my romper leaving me in my bikini "let's go" he yells running into the lake as I run after him "it's cold" I squeal swimming over to him "i got you" he smiles wrapping his arms around my waist, I wrap my arms around his neck "I've been wanting to do this since the day we met" he says quietly leaning in kissing me taking me by surprise as I kiss him back, we pull back catching our breath "I know we've only known each other a month or so but it feels like I've known you my whole life and more, just being around you makes my mood change for the better and I can't help but smile being around you" he says making me blush.

"Basically what I'm trying to say is Raelynn Hope will you be my girlfriend?" He asks making me nod "of course I'll be your girlfriend randy" I say happily kissing him.

"This has been perfect Randy" I say cuddling into him in the back of the truck as he pulls the blanket over us "I was so nervous that you wouldn't like it" he admits "I'm a simple girl I'd much rather be cuddling in the back of your truck under the stars than at a fancy restaurant" I say truthfully "I really don't want the night to end but I told your dad I'd have you home by eleven" he says getting up before helping me down "I'll just leave this in the back for now" he laughs as we get into the truck and head back to my house.

"Thank you for an amazing date Randy" I say smiling as we're stood at my doorstep "your welcome and I'm glad you said yes to being my girlfriend cause I can do this now whenever I want to" he says leaning down to kiss me I wrap my arms around his neck as the front door opens making us pull apart "Alyssa! I thought you were dad jeez" I say "he nearly did come to the door but I got here first" she says laughing "well I better go inside before my dad comes out" I tell randy as he nods "I'll pick you up tomorrow for school if you want" he asks making me nod "just text me when your here" I smile kissing him quickly one last time before heading into the house.

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