Chapter 13

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"I snapped a picture of her as she was walking out of Nathan's bedroom I'll show him in the car" she says "she's not getting away with this I swear and neither is he" I say grabbing my jeans and throwing them on with my oversized shirt "I'm ready" she says slipping on her hightops and fixing her hair quickly "right on time" I say as Seth pulls up outside, I quickly put my hair in a messy bun before grabbing my phone and purse walking out of the bedroom and downstairs "we're going we'll be back at 11" I shout before leaving the house with Alyssa behind me, we get into the car and I sit shotgun while dean is driving "Seth we got something to show you about Paige" I say as Alyssa shows him the photo "wait that's your house Rae" I nod "she was walking out of Nathan's bedroom as we were walking to my bedroom" I explain "this explains everything she's been giving me excuse after excuse as to why she can't hang out anymore saying she's got homework when all this time she's been cheating on me" he says his voice cracking at the end.

"Seth look at me you don't need her, you're gonna find someone else who's a thousand times better than her" Alyssa tells him giving him a hug, we arrive back at school and see Roman waiting outside for us in his football gear "go get your man" I tell alyssa laughing as she gets out of the car walking towards him, he picks her up hugging her tightly before kissing her head "now I really am a 5th wheel" Seth laughs "come on let's go" I say as well all get out of the car walking towards Alyssa and Roman, I notice a look on Ro's face "I guess you told him" I ask as Alyssa nods "he may be on my team for tonight's game but I'll give him a 'slight' shove while we're out on the field" Roman says with a smirk "as much as i'd love for you to squash him out there don't do anything that's gonna get you into trouble with coach please" I say " i won't doll I promise I'll make sure it's on the sly" he laughs making me shake my head "Reigns!" The coach shouts "I gotta go I'll see you guys after the game" he grins running off.

We take our seats as the game starts "let's go Roman!" Alyssa yells loudly, the game reaches half time and we're winning at this point, I'm not sure what it all means as this is my first game but I know we're winning "do you girls want anything?" Seth asks pulling me out of my thoughts "can I get a popcorn please Seth" I say digging through my purse handing him the money "it's on me Rae" he says pushing the money back into my hand "nope you guys bought our lunch yesterday so I'm paying for the food this time" I say handing him the money back as he sighs "Fine, Aly do you want anything?" He asks "can I get a popcorn and peanut m&m's please" she smiles "Dean?" He laughs "I'll just share Raelynn's popcorn" he grins making my mouth drop "your lucky you're cute" I say laughing as Seth walks off to get the food.

"Popcorn for Rae and Dean" he says handing us the popcorn "thank you Sethy" I smile "and popcorn and m&ms for Aly" he hands her the food as she starts tucking in happily "I swear I've never seen her happier than when she has food" Dean laughs earning a slap on the back of the head from me "she's always happy unless you piss her off" I say as he rubs the back of his head "shhhh! It's starting again" Alyssa says focusing on the game.

It's the final 10 seconds and he does it, Roman scored the winning touchdown! "Go on!" I tell Alyssa as she makes her way towards the field  Roman notices her and runs over lifting her up and spinning her around kissing her making me squeal, we decide to go down to field with them "congrats man!" Dean and Seth say brohugging him "Congratulations Ro!" I squeal hugging him "thanks lil sis" he smiles ruffling my hair "she's not your sis" I hear from behind me Nathan, I roll my eyes "Nathan leave now" I say as he stares at me "no I'm not going anywhere your not his sister" he says glaring at Roman.

"You wanna know the truth? You might be my brother biologically but these guys are my brothers physically, where were you when I would get bullied every freaking day huh? You were there laughing along with them. Roman and Seth were the ones picking me up from the floor when one of your 'friends' knocked me down, they were the ones helping me pull fries out of my hair when your 'friends' dumped their lunch on me, Roman and Seth are my brothers you're just someone I live with" I rant before letting out a breath "wow so you found people other than Alyssa to have your back? That doesn't make them your brothers, once they find another charity case they'll drop your ass quicker than I got Paige in my bed" Nathan says with a smirk, I notice Seth clenching his fists "did I hit a nerve there Sethy boy? Hmm all those times where she told you she was doing 'homework'" he laughs "I was screwing your girl right above your head while you, my sister, Alyssa and big guy there were in the movie room" he smirks again. I step back out of the way with Alyssa as Seth takes a swing at Nathan knocking the wind outta him "Seth!" Paige yells running over "Paige you got about 5 seconds to leave now" I say gritting my teeth "your seriously gonna let him do that to your brother?!" She asks.

"He isn't her brother and I suggest you leave now" Alyssa says "and what are you gonna do?" She laughs smirking "I won't do anything but Raelynn will" Alyssa smirks as I launch myself at Paige taking her down throwing punches at her as she tries to block them, I feel myself get pulled off of her "let her go she's not worth it" dean whispers in my ear calming me down. "They deserve each other" I say with venom in my voice "well I got something to lighten up the mood" Roman says with a lopsided grin as the scoreboard lights up with the words "Alyssa will you be my girlfriend" she looks up at the board and her face lights up "I thought you'd never ask!" She grins wrapping her arms around his neck as he puts his around her waist "so that's a yes?" He smiles "of course that's a yes asshat" she laughs.

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