Chapter 41

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Raelynn's pov

I've been here for a week and a half now, I've since learnt the guys name who Randy paid to make sure I don't escape his name is Chris and he's actually a really nice guy he has a wife and 2 boys, he's also been sneaking me more food and other stuff when Randy is out.

"Raelynn!" Chris says walking in "what?" I say as my stomach makes a loud growl "well the first thing is I have food for you and the second is I might have found a way to get you out of here" he explains "wait how?!" I say sitting up a little "I'm not sure if this will work but I'm gonna convince Randy that you need to go to hospital and that I'll take you" he explains "it's Randy he's not gonna fall for that" I groan frustrated.

"Oh Raelynn I got someone who's been dying to see you" Randy says making me roll my eyes "don't worry it's not your precious boyfriend or should I say soon to be ex boyfriend" I hear a female voice say making me look towards the door seeing Renee stood there, "what the hell do you want?" I say with venom in my voice "well somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, and I was just coming to ask what does Dean drink from Starbucks again?" She smirks "I swear blondie you go anywhere near him or my brothers, Alyssa or Nikki and I swear it'll be the last thing you do" "Awh is little Raelynn scared I'm gonna take her boyfriend and her brothers and her best friends from her" she laughs "that's enough I think it's time for you to go" Chris says pushing her out of the door.

"Spill who's that?" He says "long story, remember Brie Bella I told you about? Well that's Renee one of Brie's 'minions' Brie made her get into a relationship with Dean so it would hurt me more, Renee then became obsessed with Dean and took it badly when he dumped her to fake date Brie" I explain "wow talk about crazy much" he says in shock making me nod "I'm gonna go talk to Randy and try plant the seeds in his head that your sick" Chris says getting up before leaving.

Dean's pov

"I'm heading out do you guys want anything?" I ask "can you pick me up my usual from Starbucks please" Seth says looking up from his computer "sure" I say grabbing my keys before walking out and heading to Starbucks "watch where your going next time!" I say as someone walks into me "sorry I wasn't paying attention" a familiar voice says "Dean?" She says "um hey Renee" I say trying to get away as quick as I could "I know we haven't spoke in a while but do you wanna grab coffee and catch up?" She asks as a small voice in my head yells at me to run away "I'm a little busy at the minute but maybe tomorrow?" I say "sure that's fine, here's my number just call whenever your free" she says handing me a slip of paper before leaving.

-the next day-

"I'm going out I'll be back later" I tell Seth before leaving the house already regretting my decision I pull out my phone calling the number Renee gave me "hello?" She says "hey it's Dean I'm wondering if you wanted to go for that coffee now?" I ask "of course we can, be meet me by Starbucks in 10?" She asks "sure" I say before hanging up, walking towards Starbucks.

"I didn't think you'd call" she says stirring her coffee "why's that?" I ask confused "you have Raelynn and from what I hear about prom your finally happy" she explains "I mean your right about Raelynn she's my whole world and more, I just wish I could see her" I mumble the last part "oh where is she?" Renee questions "long story short, Orton's kidnapped her" I explain as she looks shocked "woah I never would've expected that from him" she says as my phone rings "I gotta take this I'll be 2 minutes" I say standing up answering the call "hello?" I question leaning against the wall "Dean!" Seth yells frantically getting my attention "have you found her?!" "No not yet but you need to get away from Renee now!" He says "wait how did you know I'm with Renee?" I ask confused "that doesn't matter just get out of there and get home as soon as possible" he says before hanging up.

"Um Renee I gotta go, Seth needs me back at the house" I lie "oh okay it's been good to see you again" she smiles as a text comes through from Roman 'she knows where Rae is!' "How about you come with me to the house? You've not seen the guys for a while" I say with a fake smile and gritted teeth "sure that'll be fun" she giggles as we walk out of Starbucks and towards the house.

"We're back!" I yell locking the door behind us "kitchen!" Seth yells as we walk to the kitchen "what's she doing here?" They glare at Renee "sit down Renee" I say pulling out a chair for her as she sits down "right now that your sat down and all the escape routes are locked in this house" I say with a smirk "um why?" She questions "stop fucking playing innocent Renee we know you helped Randy!" Roman snarls "I have no idea what your talking about" she smiles making my blood boil "this was your plan all along wasn't it? Get Rae out of the picture so you can try get me back" I say laughing "your fucking crazy Renee if you even thought for a second I'd go back to you" she glares at me "tell me where he's got her and I won't call the police" Seth says.

"ROMAN!" Nikki yells walking in "what's she doing here?" She glared at Renee "she's helping Randy" I say "what's up Nikki?" Roman says "Lyssa's contractions have started!" She says flustered "oh shit" Roman goes pale as hell "Nikki take him to Lyssa, me and Seth are gonna go get Rae" I say as she nods helping Roman into the other room "Renee start talking now!" I yell hitting the table making her jump.

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