Chapter 27

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~next morning~

I wake up hearing my phone making a noise, I put on my glasses and check my phone

Deano🤓~ change of plan darlin, Alyssa's car broke down so she's riding with Ro and I'm picking you up today

Darlin😛~ what about Renee? You usually pick her up or ride with Alyssa and the rest of us, I can just ask randy to pick me up

I decide to call Randy, "hello?" He picks up "hey it's Raelynn, Alyssa's car broke down and she's riding with Roman and now I don't have a ride to school you couldn't pick me up on your way could you" I say crossing my fingers "of course I can, I'll be 10 minutes see you soon" he replies making me smile "I'll see you soon Randy" I say hanging up before quickly trying to get ready.

Darlin😛~ I'm riding with Randy, I don't want to get in the way with you and Renee

Deano🤓~ K fine.

I roll my eyes at his text and grab my bag throwing it over my shoulder slipping my shoes on before leaving my room, I walk downstairs "I'm leaving" I yell before walking out of the door seeing Randy pull up I smile and walk towards his car getting in.

"Thank you for this" I smile "it's no problem" he grins making me blush, we arrive at school and Randy parks up.

"Isn't that Alyssa's car?" He asks me as we walk across the parking lot "yeah it is? Dean told me she'd broke down" I mumble the Dean part "there she is I'll go ask her about it" I say running over to Alyssa "look at this" I say handing her my phone showing her the texts from Dean, she rolls her eyes "he told me you asked him for a ride and that I didn't need to pick you up today" she explains "well I didn't ask him that and I didn't ride with him either" I say as Randy catches up with us "I guess you got your car fixed Alyssa?" Randy asks her and I give her a look "yeah, I had a flat tyre" she says faking a smile.

"Ambrose." Randy says as Dean walks over to us with his arm around Renee's shoulder just like he used to with me, "Orton" Dean mumbles. I roll my eyes at both of them and walk away pulling Alyssa with me "did you see him" I say quietly "what about him?" She asks "he had his arm around her shoulders the way he used to with me" I mumble grabbing my books out of my locker, "have you talked to him about last night" she questions making me shake my head "nope and I don't plan to, he clearly doesn't feel the same he has blondie there" I roll my eyes.

"You really don't like her do you?" Alyssa laughs "no" I say bluntly while also laughing " I mean what does she have that I don't?" I say "everything" I hear from behind us making me turn around "Brianna." I roll my eyes "it's Brie!, and to answer your question she has everything you don't and that's why he wants her and not you" she smirks making Nikki look away "you've really gone this low Brianna? You've actually got another one of your minions to date Dean so he stops talking to me" I laugh sarcastically "I never thought I'd say it but that's low even for you Brianna" I say walking away.

I look in the mirror wiping my face from tears, "I'm sorry about her" I see Nikki stood next to me "she's broke me Nicole, she's won and what's the prize huh Dean?" I say with a dry laugh "she's never gonna forgive me for this but I want to take her down" Nikki explains making me look at her "you want to take down Brianna?" I ask in shock "yeah, I know it sounds crazy but I never wanted to be like my sister I didn't want to be a bully or to be popular, I was happy being the girl that nobody knew" Nikki explains again.

"Nikki if your sure about this I'll help you but we can't do this without Alyssa" I say letting out a breath pulling out my phone calling Alyssa "hey meet me in the girls bathroom please" I say hanging up on her.

"I'm here what's the problem!" She says out of breath "wait what's she doing here" she glares "I'll let Nikki explain" I say "I wanna take down Brie, I never wanted to be the popular girl who bullies everyone like my sister I was happy being the girl nobody knew" she explains "god damn I've waited for this day for so freaking long!" Alyssa exclaims "we're taking down Brie and I have a plan" she says with a smirk "Nikki you need to stay on her good side even if that means bullying me and Raelynn, you are our biggest asset in this you have the inside lead" Alyssa explains making Nikki nod "I can do that, I'm sorry though girls I can't say that enough, if I could change everything I would" she says looking down "Nikki we believe you, I know what it's like living and dealing with an evil twin" I say laughing.

"We'll meet at my house every week and discuss everything, Raelynn we need to get the boys involved especially Dean" Alyssa says making me groan "Brianna has been crushing on Dean since 8th grade, if we can get him to somehow start talking and flirting with her it will help us loads" she explains "fine but your asking him not me" I say "lyssa what do we do in all of this?" I ask her confused "we use the information Nikki gives us and turn it against Brie" Alyssa smirks.

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