Chapter 11

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"Raelynn Hope can you come here please" I hear my dad yell "I wonder what that's about, he's using your full name?" Alyssa questions as we walk downstairs "Raelynn do you know him" my dad says pointing at Dean "of course I know him daddy that's Dean Ambrose one of my best friends along with Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins" I say using their full names as my dad is an old fashioned Latino father, "nice to meet you sir" Dean says holding out his hand for my dad "you are not to see my daughter again." He glares "Ni siquiera lo conoces papi!" (You don't even know him daddy) "él es un problema raelynn!" ( he is trouble Raelynn) I roll my eyes at his comments "can someone tell me what's going on" Dean says rubbing the back of his neck. Alyssa, Seth and Roman have gone to the movie room at this point, "my dad doesn't know what he's talking about he said you were trouble" I say moving closer to Dean "you said your last name was Guerrero, I've been trying to think of where I've heard that name for days now and I finally know" Dean says "your dad was the prosecution lawyer in a case against Piper" he explains "now I'm confused who's Piper?" I ask "his father" my dad says not taking his eyes off Dean. "He's not my father he's nothing to me and I can promise you sir i am nothing like him" dean tries to explain to my dad.

"no debes volver a verlo" ( you are not to see him again) "papi no, es mi mejor amigo" (daddy no, he's my best friend) I say pleading with him "no discutas conmigo raelynn, dije que no" (don't argue with me Raelynn, I said no) he states walking away "I'm guessing he won't budge?" Dean says rubbing the back of his neck "he's Latino we're stubborn but I promise that's not gonna stop me seeing you" I say as we walk outside the front of the house "I don't want to get you trouble darlin" he gives me a lopsided grin as I shake my head "I'm not stopping seeing you just cause of some case my dad had, I'll still see you at school and I'll get Alyssa to cover for me if I need to" I say hugging him "I better go, tell Roman and Seth I'll be at the house if they need me" he says wrapping his arms around me resting his chin on my head "please don't go" I say whispering "I'll see you tomorrow at school darlin" he says letting me go before walking away.

I walk back into the house "it's for your own good Raelynn he's nothing but trouble that boy" my dad says as I roll my eyes ignoring him before walking upstairs into my bedroom "how'd it go?" Seth asks "my dad has banned me from seeing him" I say quietly looking down at my feet "Raelynn I know you and I know that you aren't gonna give up that easily" Alyssa tells me "of course I'm not giving up I'm still gonna see him at school and I'm gonna get you to cover for me if I need it" I say smirking "my dad isn't stopping me from seeing Dean I don't care what he says" I sit down on the bed.

~time skip next morning~

I wake up hearing my alarm go off, I turn it off checking my phone and see a message from Dean I instantly start smiling.

Deano🤓 ~ I'm outside I'm taking you for breakfast before school💜

Darlin😛 ~ I just gotta get dressed give me 10 also move the car to the bottom of the street my dad is now checking to make sure Alyssa is picking me up🙄💜

Deano🤓 ~ I got it covered Alyssa is behind me in the car with Roman, you get into her car and she'll drive to my car and drop you off there 💜

Darlin😛 ~ you've thought of everything haven't you😂😏

I smile at his messages getting up off my bed picking out my outfit, I slip on my new vans looking in the mirror at my outfit of my skinny jeans and Deans led zeppelin shirt, I tie the front of the shirt and put on my glasses I can't be bothered with contacts today. I grab my bag and phone before heading downstairs "I'm going to school dad" I say walking towards the door "wait there I want to see Alyssa picking you up" he says making me roll my eyes "she's there dad" I state the obvious pointing at her car "fine and I want you straight home after school" he says as I ignore him walking out the door and towards Alyssa's car I get in "dang is he really still being like this?" She asks making me nod "yup and thanks for the ride I think" I laugh getting out of the car and into dean's car "hey darlin" he smiles "hey Deano" I say kissing his cheek.

"This looks so good" I say as the waitress puts our food down on the table, I dig in to my pancakes and syrup "yup this is really good" I say before taking another bite "so how was your dad this morning" he asks sipping his tea "still being his overprotective self" I say rolling my eyes "I'm 17 he can't stop me seeing you" I huff "I hate this too but you gotta look at it from his side your his babygirl and I have a bad reputation I'd be the exact same if I had a daughter" he explains "it still annoys the freaking hell outta me he doesn't know you the way I do" I say, "you ready? We're gonna be late for school" he laughs "I really don't feel like going today I just wanna spend the day with you" i lean into his side as he puts his arm around my shoulders "we gotta go though you've missed too much already and alyssa is gonna need you around" he smiles kissing my head.

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