chapter 23(Epic Battle)

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Dahlia looked at the two precious little girls in front of her."To think that this all could have been easier." She looked up at the family. Bonnie in the corner bleeding out Tyler tied against a pole Jeremy unconsious. Rebekah laying on the ground coughing up blood. Elena Freya and Jenna brought to there Knees coughing up blood in a Salt Cirlce that was keeping there magic inside. The three original brothers slowly descicating as they cough up the white oak ash. Mason in the corner with a stake thats itching up against his heart. Katherine lying with a snapped neck after failing to take her. Hayley who had been injected with Vervain/Wolfsbane with wooden bullets shot through her. Caroline who was injected with Werewolf venom,

"Take me Instead." Elena pleaded. Dahlia looked at her urging her to continue."They won't activate there powers or be of use for years. I already got all mine."

-- 24 hours earlier

Elena was sitting with Hayley."So you two have been hiding in the house for a month and now you come out."

"I just wanted time to myself. I'm learning as i go i guess. I don't want Dahlia to get her. I can't let her."

"So whats the plan."

Elena sighed and put her head in her hands. She looked up at Hayley her eyes full of sadness."We send them with Caroline and Rebekah protection spells and we go kill her. We have to kill her or she'll just keep coming back."

"Ok. Then we kill her and get them back." Hayley agreed. She wanted her daughter safe she wouldn't be able to handle losing her."We defeat the wicked witch and get our happy ending."

"And we do it soon." Elena stood up and felt weird."I don't feel good."

"Your dead." Hayley said.

"I know that just- Lets do this we can worry about this later."
They all met in the compound. Caroline and Rebekah were packed to go."Ok so we leave aand y'all handle her and then we come back right." Caroline asked.

Elena nodded. Kol was holding Skylar. She took her daughter. And walked over to Rebekah."Your gonna go with Auntie Care and Rebekah everything will be fine." She handed her to Rebekah. She walked back over to Kol the tears falling down her face. As Hayley handed Hope to Rebekah.


They put the girls in to the carseats secured them and flashed out.

Davina had gathered up the witches."Were putting an end to the Mikaelsons' today for everything they have done for everything that they have put us through. Today we call on the Ancestors and we bring them to and end whose with me."


Lea was looking around. Davina had put her on a powerband after she found out about Elena. She looked over to Vincent who was also looking around. She looked at Kol's playhouse and nodded there.He nodded.

Davina lifted her arms as the fire around her started to rise."We stand together and we stand united." She whistled and Esther Mikaelson was brought forth in cuffs."Esther Mikaelson has always wanted to put an end to her children and today she will help us"

They were all making a plan."She wants us to meet her in an old warehouse yard." Freya said.

"Then we all come in from different sides throw her off." Klaus said.

"We say we ran with the girls and hopes she buys it so that we can attack her." Hayleysaid.

"How are we seperating." Jeremy asked.

"YouTyler and Bonnie. Klaus Elijah and Kol. Jenna Mason and Katherine Freya Hayley and I. Everyone take a knife."

Jenna handed them all one a knife and they all started to seperate.  Freya Elena and Hayley were still there."Freya can you duplicate this."

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