chapter 6

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Elena was sitting on the couch with Haley they were watching the girls. Klaus and Kol were in the back talking.

"I've never seen Davina so mad at someone before" Haley said.

"She deserved it who the hell says that that is not right Skylar is only 1 that was bogus" Elena said.

"So how are your brothers with you being here" Haley said.

"There happy i'm safe but there mad i'm living here. There mad that i didn't tell them i slept with Kol. There mad i didn't tell them that he was Sky's father. But they know i'm going to be safe here and thats what there happy about" Elena said. She knew that as long as they were safe Tyler and Jeremy were going to be fine.

"So there not mad but there mad" Haley asked. She was a little confused.

"Happy i'm safe mad i'm living with an original" Elena sighed. She understood why they were worried they had a right to be after everything went down.

Haley could smell kol on Elena and she was nosey"So are we not going to talk about the fact that both of you smell like the other and don't say it was just a hug cause that must have been a long ass hug"

"I cant sleep through the night i haven't actually slept peacefully since i was three months pregnant"

"First why second so hes been laying with you"

"To make sure i go to sleep and can sleep if i tell you this you have to promise not to tell klaus elijah freya especially dont tell him" elena said

"Ok" Haley said.

Elena lifted her shirt and Haley seen a scar then she whispered"i had to have an emergency c-section because someone tried to posion me and kill her at 8 months at three someone broke into the house Bonnie and Caroline were in my room every night knowing i wouldnt go to sleep with out then Tyler was in the guest room Jeremy was in his room and Alaric was downstairs on the couch when she was 6 months someone took her Haley they locked me in my room and had her I couldn't get out thats when i learned i could do this" she held out her hand" Skylar mikaelson baby monitor" it appeared in her hand

"What the fuck" Haley cursed

"I can summon inanimate objects as long as it cant move itself i can call it i freaked him out cause all of a sudden i had a cup of coffee in my hand"

"Ok thats weird but continue"

"Tyler tracked Sky's scent and was able to find her i freak when i dont know where she is and that is why"

"Its so weird smelling him on you but thats cute that hes doing that for you"

Elena cocked her head to the side"It's not cute"

"Yes it is"  Haley was not going to give up.

Elena sighed realising that she wasn't going anywhere."Whatever you say Haley"

Klaus and Kol walked in and looked at the girls"So what milesstones did she reach"

"Oh now you got her started." Kol said. Shaking his head.

"Your still an ass" Elena said.

"What am i missing" Haley said.

"Dada" Sky said. She crawled towards him.

"First day meeting him and that was her first word i was pissed" Elena said. She was still kind of mad but she knew that she was going to have to get over it.

"She said his name first if hope does that i'm screaming bloody murder" Haley said. She knew what Elena was feeling.

"I believe my words were- I hate you, i give up, She's mean I'm going downstairs she's making me sad" Elena said.

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