chapter 12

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(No lie this is about to be a drama chapter to lead me into the next part where she turns)

Elena Kol and Skylar were at the butterfly garden and insectarium. Elena had really wanted to go and he let her pick the next place. They were taking lots of pictures together and she couldn't be happier. She was so planning to make a huge family album.

They were looking at all the different butterflies and Skylar was loving it."So what made you choose here." Kol asked,

"It's weird you don't get a lot of places like this. Sure some museums have butterflies but they don't have a whole place dedicated to them. I think its cool. Insects may be weird but so are vampire witches and werewolves," Elena said.

"Touche," Kol said.

Skylar was pointing at the different things and smiling. Elena would take different pictures. And people would ask to take pictures.

"I gotta go change her she puked on this." Elena took the bag from Kol and went into the girls bathroom.


Davina was sitting in the Attic with Josh."What if i take you somewhere" Josh asked.

"Like" Davina asked.

"They got a pretty good butterfly garden what if we go there do you really think an original is going to be seen there." Josh asked.

"Sure why not." Davina said.

The two went there they were walking around having fun. They were looking at the different things. She stopped in her tracks when she seen Kol standing against a wall.

"Davina don't lets go" Josh knew how she could get and now was not the best time for this.

Davina walked over to him ignoring Josh."What are you doing here."Kol looked up at her and groaned. He knew this was not about to end well."Aren't you supposed to be watching your daughter with that boyfriend stealing tramp."

"Don't you have something else to do then to mess with me" Kol asked.


Elena finished Changing Skylar and walked back out. She wasn't paying attention, She had walked out the door not paying attention because Hayley had texted her and asked for a girls night just them.

"Thats why your here you brought the tramp." Elena looked up and seen Davina and Josh.

"Excuse me" Elena asked.

"Can you leave her alone Davina" Kol asked.

"Why should i she ruined my life." Davina said.

Elena dialed Hayley's number."Hello."

"Can you come get me." Elena asked.

"I thought y'all were at the butterfly garden" Hayley said.

"Seriously before you couldn't keep your mouth shut and now your just gonna leave" Davina said.

"I'll be there in ten and Davina shut the hell up no one likes you" Hayley said. The line went dead.

"I don't care what you say i have nothing to say to you i get it you don't like me and i really don't care. I'm here for my daughter and because of you i almost did something i would always regret leaving her." Elena grabbed Kol's hand and walked from them. Before he could say anything she turned towards him."Will only be gone  a few days. I just need a few days."


I have a few questions.
1 A lot of people wanted her to be a tribid. Should i change anyone else species i can come up with a creative way so that it makes sense.

2 Is there anything else y'all would like to see

3  I wanted to Thank nicoletr33 they_adore_sara mxscha_d who requested stories i love writing others ideas and bringing them to life

4 thanks to everyone who reads my books and votes. Thanks for the comments i love the feedback.

5 nicoletr33 they_adore_sara for messaging and giving me good ideas for the books i am writing its great help

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