Chapter 26

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Elena was waiting for Skylar to come home she knew that her daughter was not going to be happy about her party having to get postponed. Skylar flashed in. She had been sure that she was going to see her uncle cause she had realized that something was going on that required her mothers help. She wasn't a stupid. "Hi Mom." She went to sit next to her mother who was on the couch. She could tell that her mother had something to tell her.

"How was school?" She knew that school was always iffy-iffy for Skylar she liked it but sometimes she didn't like the people. And or they made her mad and she retaliated.

"Boring as usual i don't like going to school." She hated school but everyone always looked at her and Hope weird she knew why because they were different from the others there and that alone made them stay away from the two girls.

Elena rolled her eyes looking at her daughter she was happy that Caroline and Alaric had started this school for kids like them. It was good for them to learn about who they were and their history. To learn to master their powers. "Baby you don't have a choice just be lucky that it isn't regular school. Because that it what i had growing up you have a school where you learn your magic you should be happy about that?"

"I'm not i'd take regular school any day." She would rather them not know anything about her and treat her like normal. She wanted them to treat her like she was like everyone else not like she was different.

Elena shook her head every supernatural probably dreamed of going to a regular school but she knew going there and having to hide what made them special would be their worse nightmare. She was happy that this school was their for them. "You say that now but if you were actually in it then you would hate it and be begging to go to the boarding school."

"Fine your right." Skylar took a breath looking up at her mom she knew their was something wrong she could just feel it. She wanted to know what itw as that had her mother on edge. "What is wrong?"

"Were going to have to postpone your party back a few days." She knew that Skylar had been looking foward to the party and she didn't want to do this but she had to.

Skylar whinned she couldn't believe it she was looking foward to her birthday. Now she had to change when it happened and that irritated her. She knew that her mother wouldn't change it unless there was something wrong. She knew what the party meant to her. "Why?"

She didn't want to tell her what was going on she knew how she would react to it. But she had to tell her something for her saftey. She didn't need her daughter doing something stupid. "Because someone is trying to do something very stupid and i don't want you caught in the crossfire."

"I thought that we were safe mom." She was confused to what her mother was talking about she thought that their were no more threats to her family. And apparently she was wrong.

"So did i but i need to make sure that you are protected and that brings me to my next issue." She knew that Skylar was not about to like waht she said next. She needed to make sure that she was protected. "I am going to have you stay with Alaric Caroline Bonnie and Jeremy." She knew that they would never let anything happen to them.

"Mommy whats going on?" She wanted to know what was going on what was the danger.

Elena ran her fingers through her daughters hair taking a breath she just wanted to hold her daughter and keep her away from all danger. But this was making it sort of difficult. "Someone wants to hurt Mommy thats all you need to know were going to postpone your party and everything is going to be alright."

"Are you sure?" Now she was scared that something was going to go wrong. And she didn't know if she was going to be able to handle if something happened to her mother.

"Yes i will never let anyone hurt you." She was going to do everything to be sure that she made it out of this alive and that nothing happened to the kids. "Me or your dad would never let anyone near you."

"What about Ethan?" If they were going to be watching her she wondered where her brother was going to be.

She had planned that out to to make sure that nothing went wrong. But she had a feeling that it was always going to change. "Henrick and Rebekah are going to keep an eye on him while Caroline Alaric Jeremy and Bonnie watch you and Hope."

Hope had just walked into her mom's apartment and seen her waiting. She was confused to see her mom since she was rarley home. "Mom what are you doing here? I thought you would be over their by now."

"How was school?" Hayley asked she knew that she had to talk to her about what was going to happen.

"You never ask about school thats grandma Esther and aunt Freya. You just make sure that i don't hurt anyone." Hope went and had a seat next to her mother. She knew her mom she hadn't even liked going to schoolm herself so she didn't like to hear about it. "What's going on?"

"You know how Skylars birthday is coming up." Hayley knew that the two had been excited about the party.

"Yeah she won't stop talking about its a little irritating she is so excited for the party she wants it to hurry up and come so that she can be eight." She knew that her cousin was so excited about it and she liked to see her happy. "What about her birthday?" But she wasn't sure exactly what this had to do with her birthday.

"Were postponing it." Hayley knew that Skylar was not going to be happy about that but it was for the best.

"Your what?" She knew that Skylar was going to hate that she was not going to want that to happen. "She's not going to be happy about that she was so excited for that party finding out that it isn't happening on her actual birthday is going to upset her mom. Wait why are you postponing it why isn't everything going as planned?" She knew that for things to change something had to happen. This was not just happening out of the blew.

"Because someone is trying to come after the family." The family was one of the strongest people of alive but that brought on a lot of dangers.

"Our family your kidding right?" Hope knew how their family was strong and that they did not go down easily. So that kind of made her laugh. The thought that someone was coming after their family.

"Unfortunatly not Hope." She wished that she was kidding but she was not. They had to prepare for this the girls had to know something.

"Who would be stupid enough to come after us?" Hope wanted to know more and she was sure that her mother didn't want to tell her the rest of what was happening.

"Someone who is actually capable of hurting us." She knew there wasn't many people that could make that hapen.

"Who can hurt us?" She had a lot of questions for what was happening.

"Well can hurt some of us?" She knew that the hollow couldn't hurt all of them but could very well hurt some of them. "Do you remember how i told you Elena is like you and Skylar."

"She's a tribid a witch a vampire and a werewolf like me and Skylar. But everything is unlocked for her," She knew that her aunt had all her powers unlike her and Skylar and she was going to be a real help for when they unlocked everything.

"Yes it is. Elena is the only one that stands in their way of reaching full power." Hayley knew that it was goin to be a battle to stop the hollow and something that she shouldn't have to do alone. "So they are coming after her if they get rid of her they can essentially take over the world. Cause if they can get rid of Elena you and Skylar are easy."

"What are you saying mom?" She knew there was a double meaning to what was happening.

"The week of Skylars birthday you and Skylar have to stay with Bonnie Caroline Alaric and Jeremy for her protection." She knew that they were not going to like that the plan was destined to change.

"Elena Tyler and I are some of the only ones besides you Ethan and Skylar that can defeat this person." She didn't want them anywhere near what was going to happen. "I can't tell you more right now besides that is for your own protection."

"Ok." She knew that her mom was planning something more and that all she wanted was for them to be protected.

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