chapter 16

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(The timeline is a lot messed up were just gonna pretend sorry if it doens't make sense. And i just want to be clear the sirebond does not exsist for her because she's a werewolf vampire and  a witch so she will not be sired.)

Elena was sitting on her bed at Kol's place. Skylar had went to sleep. She'd been there all day waiting. She was angry she couldn't believe that he would do that to her. That her friends would do that.

"Elena are you here."

She vamped downstairs behind him."Over here." He turned and looked at her. She crossed her arms and glared at him."Why. Why would you do that to me. Why would you let me forget."

"I thought it was the best idea" Kol said,

"For you not for me. It was the best idea for you so you didn't have to feel guilty. So you didn't leave a girl heartbroken. Compulsion comes off and it hurt. What was true cause honestly i don't know anymore" Elena said. Tears were starting to come down her face."It hurt. I came here i lived here for weeks. And you couldn't take it off. I didn't want to leave the house. I felt bad and you just decided leave it on."

"I didn't know what i was supposed to do Elena. Take it off or leave it on so i decided to leave it on." Kol said.

"Why did you leave it on to begin with who was that helping. You knew i would react this way you knew i would be angry. There were only two ways it would come off.  I turn or you take it off." Elena said.


"Don't how many times were we together before you erased it all.  Cause i count way more than you want anyone to know. From the first time at the ball till the time you saved me and took me out of town the weekend. How about the fact that i got pregnant and had to get held back a year and didn't finish till a few months ago. Finding out i'm almost done with my junior year then i'm pregnant. But it wasn't a one time thing like you let me believe. It had been going on for a year. Or the fact that i didn't try to kill you like i had thought. I had saved you. Or what about that you made me feel bad for not telling you about her. But the simple fact was if i would have rememberd i would have been here the minute i was pregnant. But you ruined that not me. But you made me feel as if it was my fault. When your evil son of a bitch girlfriend that you tried to replace me with said this or that. Or how about that you also knew the compulsion was starting to where off. My feelings that you compelled away were coming back, Come on everyone knows thats why i tried to leave cause i said that i wasn't here for you. Then it started to wear off you didn't have enough time to hit the center memory to change the memory of the ball. You knew why i was mad you knew it. You don't think oh memories are not soon behind i should take it off. Of course you didn't" Elena said. She flashed upstairs to her room and locked the door.

"Elena for whats its worth i'm sorry" Kol said. She heard something by the door. But then she heard him walk away.

She looked and seen her stuff all over the room. She had thrown stuff everywhere. She went and grabbed her duffelbag emptying everything on the bed. She back a bag of clothes. She opened the door and seen a binder she put it in the duffelbag and flashed downstairs and seen him at his drinking cart.

"I'm leaving i'll be back in a week, You can watch your daughter in the meantime since everything you say to me seems to be a lie" Elena flashed out. She went back to where everyone else was,

"Where are you going" Caroline asked.

"None of your business Rebekah you coming" Elena asked.

"Me to no way are you leaving without me" Hayley said.

"Fine you can drive" Elena said.


Hayley Rebekah and Elena left and everyone was in the compound. Elijah Klaus and Kol were thinking when Freya finally spoke up.

"I know what you three are thinking. But i don't have ashes or a body."

"I do" Tyler said.

Caroline vamped out and back in with two urns."Mason and Jenna's ashes. They'll be gone a week."

"I need extra power find the dimond and i can do it" Freya said.

"Doesn't Davina have that" Klaus said.

"Guess will half to get it from her" Kol smirked,

"His smirk is back were in trouble" Klaus grinned.

"No shit sherlock" Caroline said.


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