chapter 17

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Elena Hayley and Rebekah were in the Mikaelson manor Mystic Falls."Why here you couldn't have choose a better place like New York" Rebekah asked

"Because i have unfinished business here" Elena said. She pulled out the binder."Anyone know what this is he left it at my door."

"Letters from Jenna and Mason" Hayley said.

"The truth the real truth" Rebekah said.

"I don't want this" Elena said. She was scared to read it.

"Elena you should read it." Hayley said. She knew Elena was going through a lot but she knew that she needed to see whatever was in those letters."I know you don't want to you were tired of all the lies and everything that was happening. But thats the truth from them. The only way you can find out why they did what they did why they lied to you why they died."

"She's right Elena the only way your going to know why they did what they did why they were ok with dying the truth thats what you want you want the truth," Rebekahs aid.

Elena nodded. As much as she hated it they were right."Why am i so angry" Elena screamed.

"It's your werewolf side coming out to play. It's to many emotions at once. You have to let it out before you can control it"  Hayley said.

"How" Elena asked. She didn't want to be mean but she didn't know what she was supposed to do.

"You take it out on the people that ruined your life that you can hurt without remorse for me it was the witches that took Hope." Hayley said.

"Go tell them off Kill them those Salvatores deserve way worse than that for everything that they have done." Rebekah said.


In New orleans they were making there plan."So we are really doing this" Freya asked.

"Yes sister we are" Kol smirked.

"You were doing so good when she was here." Freya groaned.

"Lets do this" Caroline said.

"Are we sure this is going to work" Jeremy asked.

"Bonnie and Freya against Davina. They also have 3 originals and us were good" Caroline said.


Elena walked into the Salvatore boarding house she was so mad right now."I can smell you two if you don't come out i will make you and trust and believe that you won't like how."

Stefan vamped in front of her and tried to stake her she threw him back."Your a vampire." Stefan huffed.

Damon vamped at her she held her hand out and he dropped to the floor. She kicked him in his stomach and he fell back."Your a hybrid" Damon groaned.

Elena showed her hyrbid face."No i'm a lot worse."

Damon and Stefan stood up."So he finally decided why not change her so she can protect herself. Did he uncompel you beforehand" Stefan asked.

Elena vamped to him Kneeded him in his stomach then threw him at the wall. She vamped to damon and threw him to the floor."How do you know about that."

"Tyler knew. He said you always smelled like Kol but you never had memory of it. So they tried to kill him." Stefan vamped to her but she flashed behind him.

"How are you a werewolf" Damon asked

Elena vamped to him and bit him. She took her fangs out his neck and threw him to the floor. She wiped her mouth and smirked."Mason Lockwood. Was my father. He hated both of you because you loved me and he didn't like that. Tyler knew he told Jeremy Caroline and Bonnie. Who did everything in there power to hide my real parents. Jenna sommers witch she was acting human for me. For my saftey. She told him he wanted y'all gone and i don't blame him." She went over to Stefan."Only reason you get to live is because you saved me thats it thats all you get to watch your brother die. But be warned you ever mess with me or my daughter again i won't be so generous."

She twisted her hands and both of there necks snapped. They fell to the ground she flashed out and went back to the border where Hayley and Rebekah were waiting. They looked at her and shook there head.

"You feel better" Hayley asked.

"Much" Elena nodded.

"Well what else do we do with our time here" Rebekah said.

"Well why we are here we are not Mothers. They get to do what we do for another few days." Hayley smirked."Don't get me wrong i love my daughter and neice. And as soon as we get back i am taking my daughter home with me cause she was already with them a week, But i say we have fun while we can. We don't have to worry about making sure they are ok. Cause Klaus and Kol would kill before anything happens to them."

"True" Rebekah said.

"So us three lets have the girls day we never get. Drink even though we can't get drunk. Have fun we deserve it." Hayley said.

"But i feel bad" Elena said.

"He lied to you. He deserves you mad at him. He compelled you to forget you loved him. He never took it off. He should have known when something is that true its not gonna take long to break through when your in the same house," Rebekah said,

"Lets have fun" Elena smiled.


Everyone was standing outside the Cemetery Tyler had tracked her to there. Bonnie and Freya walked in. They went and found Davina at the play house.

"Freya what are you doing here." Davina asked. She looked at Bonnie,"Your Elena's friend what do you want i already got accused of something i didn't do."

"Will ask on time where's the dimond" Bonnie asked.

"No way" Davina said.

"Then we do this the hard way." Freya smirked.

Davina stood up putting the dimond in her bag."I'm not giving it back." She put her hand out making both of them fall then ran out.

Bonnie stood up and smiled."To easy."

"Y'all can come in now" Freya said.

"It's in her bag Caroline" Bonnie whispered They followed Davina out soon everyone surronded her.

"Seriously do i look scared." Davina asked.

"I'm a Bennet witch with the power of 100 witches including another Bennett i already top Freya who has been topped you and you hurt my best friend so game on" Bonnie said.

Caroline flashed to Davina from behind and grabbed her bag."I'll be taking this." She grabbed Hope and Skylar and Flashed out.

Bonnie twisted her hands and Davina fell to the ground screaming."You think your tough and mighty because of a sacrafice. I have stopped hearts and brung them back. I have died and came back. I have brought people back to life. I have been through a lot worse than you. So has my best friend. I teamed up with originals i tried to kill them all. Been there done that. You may think your strong cause your a harvest girl who's strengght lies in this city. But i'm a Bennett i get strength everywhere." Bonnie stopped and Davina tried and failed to stand,

Freya raised her hand making Davina stand."You went after my Neice's mother several times. What did she do to you besides tell you off. The minutes she showed up here with Sky you had already lost him. I think its time you to had a little chat."

Klaus grabbed Freya Elijah grabbed Bonnie Tyler got Jermey and they flashed out,

"What you gotta say you hate me but love her. I figured it out already. No girl gets that mad for someone they don't have feelings for and no guy gets that hurt unless there actually in love with the gitl. You love her and hate me even though i was here and she wasn't. What because she was able to get pregnant." Davina asked.

"I thought you were smarter than that" Kol said,

"You used to live there. You compelled her." Davina asked."I still hate her, What you gonna do now."

He flashed to her and pinned her against the wall."Leave her alone. Leave us along or Davina so help me i will end your life." He could see the fear in her eyes."Move on with your life." He  let her go and walked away.

"Go rot in hell" Davina cursed.

He turned around and looked at her. He gave his signature smirked."I've been there and back." He flashed out leaving Davina catching her breath,

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