Chapter 2

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Elena was sitting at her desk finishing her work, She was happy tomorrow she'd be emailed the exams and be done with highschool.

Tyler and Caroline walked in.

"Hey what are you two doing here" Elena asked.

"Rebekah sent me over saying that you were in danger" Caroline said.

"I'm always in danger is that anything new" Elena said. She closed her laptop and went and prepped Sky's bottle for when she woke up.

Caroline sighed. She wanted to tell Elena that it was about Sky but she didn't need them freaking out"Just becareful there working on a plan i hope."

"What's going on" Elena asked. She was confused on what was so serious she knew Rebekah said something was going on. But she didn't think that it was that serious.

Skylar woke up and Elena gave her a bottle and sat her down with her toys. Elena phone buzzed but she didn't hear it. Caroline picked it up

"Who's K.M Klaus" Caroline asked. Elena turned and looked at her.

"Huh" Elena asked. She didn't wanting to know which brother she had been with,

"Pack you and Skylar's thing sending a witch-K.M"

"'Ugh I am going to kill Rebekah i told her not to tell him he had a daughter not tell him" Elena groaned.

"Wait Skylar's a Mikaelson" Caroline asked. She couldn't believe it she always thought athat she was just a one night stand.

"Yeah now i got to pack Tyler can you go get me some suitcases please" Elena said. She knew that she had to pack right away otherwise she was never gonna be done.

"Yeah i'll be back" Tyler said. He vamped out.

Elena put Skylar into her playpen and started getting her things together. She grabbed her and Sky's clothes and divided them on the bed. Grabbed Sky's toys and put them into a pile.

Caroline was watching Elena and she huffed making Elena turn and look at her then she said,"So your just gonna tell me she's a Mikaelson but not who her father is."

"Kol ok Not Klaus Kol Mikaelson I slept with a Mikaelson at a party that you took me to and i got pregnant with Sky. Now i gotta sort this out" Elena sighed. She went back to sorting . Soon Tyler vamped in with 4 suitcases. Elena put her clothes in one, Sky's in another, Sky's toys in the other , and bibs bottle pacifiers and other things in the last. She grabbed a duffelbag out of the closet and put other things in there- Femine products, her laptop, a book with Sky's birth certificate and some pictures and a few other things

Her phone buzzed again and this time she grabbed it.Text this number she'll flash in your backyard making sure your not seen and can leave.Elena took her bags by the door and put Skylar into her car seat/ stroller. And put her by the door.

"Be safe Elena please text me when you figure our whats going on" Caroline said. She wished her best friend didn't have to leave but she knew that it was for the best.

Elena gave Tyler and Caroline a hug. She texted the witch who flashed in her backyard

"Elena" Lea asked

"Yeah thats me" Elena said. She knew that no matter how much she was going to hate this she had to do it for her daughter.

"Place your bags out here then go back in i'll be back in a minute" Lea said. Elena did as she said and the witch flashed away then flashed back"You and sky come out and hold on" Elena grabbed Sky's carseat/Stroller and went outside the witch flashed them into a house.

"Where am i" Elena asked.

"Were in New Orleans. Kol doesn't like living with his siblings this is his place there are already spells on it so you can't really leave unless he gives you permission but this is Sky's room he had me personally spell it i'm Lea by the way he told me i was to help you with anything you needed" Elena followed Lea to the nursery

 Kol doesn't like living with his siblings this is his place there are already spells on it so you can't really leave unless he gives you permission but this is Sky's room he had me personally spell it i'm Lea by the way he told me i was to help y...

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"You just did this today" Elena asked

"Yeah i did your room is next door" Lea said. Elena followed her to the next room.

 Elena followed her to the next room

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"Wow" Elena said. She couldn't believe that he had all of this done for her and Sky.

"You can tour the house if you want he had the maid go and buy real food but you should unpack first" Lea said.

"Wait you said he told you to help me with anything i needed why" Elena asked. She never knew Kol to be that nice to anyone.

"Yeah he assigned me as your personal witch so if you ever need something just say I summon Lea and i'll flash here" Lea said.

"Ok thanks i'm gonna go lay her down while i unpack our things" Elena said.

"I'll be back i have to go check in" Lea said.

"Alright" Elena said.

Lea flashed out. Elena went and layed Skylar in her room. Then she started to unpack all of there things putting there clothes away and Sky's toys in the corner and her food on shelves. Then she decided to tour the house.

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