Chapter 29

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It was a few days before Skylar's birthday

She had been practicing she a had been learning to focus and keeping her focus on one lace. She knew that she needed to do this. Kol had made it clear that he didn't know if he could control his emotions if something happened to her.

She didn't want to lose any of them she wanted her cousin back she wanted her family protected.

But in case something happened she wanted her time with her family if something happened. They were all in the compound Henrick was playing with the kids she needed this time with her family.

Freya went and sat next to her she knew that Elena had come up with a plan that she refused to share. "What you thinking about?"

"Before my life turned upside down." Her life had turned upside down quite a lot but it had made things good and she loved the change.

Caroline looked over to her she knew that it had happened quite a lot. "Which time?"

"Before i learned of the supernatural." Elena remembered when everything was alright before she learned of everything. When her entire life was normal when she didn't know who her real parents were.

Rebekah never actually learned how Elena had come about the supernatural and she was interested to find out. "How did you learn i know you knew before the sacrafice."

"Wasn't it Stefan vampire." Caroline asked she thought that it was the first time Elena found out.

Elena shook her head thinking back to when she had first started to find out. And who was the first person to really talk about it with her. "No it was Bonnie she thought that she was physcic."

"Technically i wasn't off i thought grams was crazy." Bonnie remembered when she thought that she was just pyscic and it turned out to be so much more. She was happy for her grams with being honest with her about everything. And now letting her go through it alone.

"Oh we all did." Caroline reminded she had seriously thought that grams was just drinking way to much and that she was starting to go crazy.

"Grams?" Hayley asked she had no clue who they were talking about.

"Bonnies Grandmother she was a witch she died trying to make sure that i didn't." Elena would always be thankful for her doing that for her. She was happy that she saved her. "Damon Salvatore used me as leverage to try to get to Katherine."

"In my defence i got nothing i didn't think he would take it that far." Katherine had tried to protect them sometimes she didn't think that the guy that had the long lasting obsession on her would really do that.

"What i didn't know about this?" Jenna had no idea that her daughter had almost died because of Damon Salvatore she had also not known that it was the reasons grandmother had died.

"I heard." Mason had heard about what had happened with his daughter and Damon Salvatore and how she was used as leverage.

Jenna looked at Mason she couldn't believe that he had known and she hadn't. "How did you know and i didn't?"

"Me." Katherine reminded.

Elena looked at Bonnie remembering when Bonnie first started the powers. "Do you remember any of the dates Bonnie that you seen?"

Bonnie gasped fogetting about the dates that she had used to randomly get visions of. 'The dates get me a calander."

Rebekah went and grabbed some calandars from the last 10 years handing them to Bonnie. She was confused to what the two were talking about. "What dates?"

"You'll see." Elena knew that the dates that she would see were always linked to a special event.

She begin to mark the dates down between the seperate calendars.

"El Care come look at these dates." She hadn't thought to what they could mean.

"Alright." The two got up walking over to her they both gasped at seeing them. They hadn't thought about it in a while.

"What are the dates?" Freya asked she didn't understand their surprise.

"Sacrafice, day dhalia died when i got pregnant with Skylar my car accident." Elena knew all these dates very vividly and she had never thought that Bonnie would see them before hand.

"The day the twins were born when i opened the school." Caroline added she knew that Bonnie had always had a gift with this type of thing.

"Hayley what is Hope's birthday." Elena asked she wanted to see if this was what this was.

"May 2nd 2012." Hayley answered but she was confused to why they were asking about it.

Bonnie had always thought that she was seeing random dates but apparently they weren't. "I just thought all of these were random."

"What's the most recent one you have?" Elena asked she wanted to know if it was to value of what was currently going on.

Bonnie thought to her most recent one and looked at Elena now realizing what the most recent one meant. "Skylars birthday this year."

"This year?" Kol asked he knew what that could mean.

Klaus had never really been fond of the Bennett witch but recently they had been on friendly terms. And he knew what that could mean if she saw the date. "Bonnie you are the only one capable of doing things like this we need to know how this is going to end."

"Isn't their that rule about not messing with the future or the past because it could ruin everything." Hayley wasn't a witch but she knew the dangers with messing with the past or the future.

"We don't care." Rebekah didn't care if it was risky they needed to know.

"I can try but it needs to be closer to that date first." She knew that was the only way that this was going to work properly if they were closer so that she could get a better ready.

"Alright." They all knew that she could only do so much.

"I'll do my best." She would try to do anything for her daughter.

"You always do Bon." Elena knew that Bonnie always put everyone over herself and she would always thank her for that"I have no worries that you won't but i'm just worried about how this is going to go."

"Have i ever let you down before?" This was her best friend and she would do anything to help her. 

"Do we want to talk about the binder?" Elena joked making Bonnie smile and laugh that would always be an interesting story.

"That does not count considering your mother father and cousin all said that we had to wait before we could tell you anything." Bonnie reminded she knew that they were all way past that but it was always going to be funny to all of them.

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