Chapter 25

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Elena Freya and Bonnie were all looking through spell books but they couldn't find anything."This is useless."

Freya closed hers and nodded she had to agree with them there was no spell that was made to fight the hollow. "She's right whats the point of doing this again we should just take this head on."

Bonnie took a breath as much as taking this head on sounded like a great idea she knew that it was risky for them. "First not everone is invincible in this room and its Cami's life at stake."

"Lea." Elena called she needed more information on what was happening. That was the only way that they were going to know what they had to do.

Lea flashed in with Vincent and Eva she figured that they were going to call sooner or later. And she had wanted to be prepared for when they did. "Ok so say we know a way to fix this. But some of you aren't going to like it."

Everyone turned to look at her Hayley crossed her arms over her chest. She was sure when she said some were not going to like it she was not one of them. "Which is?"

"Only person as strong as the hollow would be you and Elena and blood relatives to you two." She seen the looks the rest of them shot her especially the originals letting her know how they already felt about what she was saying. "Well because she is a very disstant distant ancestor to both of your lines."

"No." All the originals scolded they were not putting them up to fight against the hollow.

"I'm a hybrid." Hayley was not nessacarily following what she was saying and needed her to explain further.

"But you both are members of the 7 royal wolf packs also known as the ones that did the hollow did the spell on. She is the reason wolfs exist today." She knew that they were not going to like it but they didn't really have a choice if they wanted to defeat the hollow then they had to do this. "And one of the witches that did the spell on her-"

Jenna sighed she knew where this was going and she now understood why Elena had to be there to defeat her. That was literally what she was meant to do. "Petrova witch there is no way in hell that you are setting my daughter up one of them has to die the other can not live if the other is alive its a sacrafice." She knew how this had to go and she was not for it.

Eva shook her head she understood where Jenna was coming from as Elena's mother she couldn't stand to think of her daughter going through that. But they were kind of low on options right now. "We want to prepare her so that she is not the one that dies Induna will be and we will get rid of her once and for all."

Vincent cleared his throat he knew that this all was a long shot but it was the only shot they had at the moment. "When the hollow is dead everyone will be realeased from her trance anyone alive by her spirit will parish with her."

Lea nodded in agreement they had to do this if they wanted to save everyone else. "We have 3 weeks to prepare"

They were all trying to figure out what three weeks mean when Elena's eyes started to flash Amber. As she realized what happened in 3 weeks and now understood the significance. "Skylars birthday. Have you met my kid?" Skylar was a different story and she would not like this.

"Yes we have and we know she won't be happy about this but you might want to postpone the party because her birthday falls on a Lunar Eclipse." They knew that was going to be the time that the Hollow wouild try to rise and that had to be the time that she was defeated.

"Oh god." Elena groaned this was all happening to fast she really wished that they had told her about this when things had first started happening.

"My daughter is not sacraficing herself." Jenna scoffed she would not let her daughter go through another sacrafice. She would not let it happen on a what if plan. "So you three better have a plan and a way to get Cami back."

"Their might be a way but its going to require a lot of magic" Eva knew that their original plan was the best bet because the second option might not work to well.

"A lot of magic please be more clear." Bonnie was a little bit confused she wanted to know how much magic they were talking about.

"Rephrasing first your going to have to find her and then your going to have to get her out of the trance," And that was not going to be easy to do the hollow was strong and she had a pull over everyone.

"But you also have to prepare for this Lunar Eclipse that is what she is going to draw her power out of." If Elena wasn't prepared for the things that might happen they were all as good as dead.

"So let me get this straight my 7 year old is supposed to save the world." Elena was finally undestanding what they were trying to say and she was not for it. She wasn't letting her daughter anywhere near this she would find another way but that was not it.

"No technically she is supposed to help you to, her and Hope at least and Hayley." They knew that it was bad they were adding the kids into this but they had to stop the hollow before she got to powerful or before something that they can't stop happens.

"That makes everything so much better." She took a deep breath she knew that she needed a plan and she needed one now.

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