chapter 7

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It had officially been two weeks since Elena and Sky came to New Orleans. She woke up she knew Kol had left with Klaus and Elijah for a few days.

She got up to leave her room and she couldnt get out.

"Why  wont this open" Elena shouted. She tried some more but was getting the same result."I summon lea" When nothing happened she got even more worried she tried her window and it wouldn't open either."Not again come on don't do this" Her breathing was starting to get ragged. She knew there was only one other thing that she could do to get out "I SUMMON BONNIE BENNET FREYA MIKAELSON AND CAMILLE O'CONNER"

The three witches flashed in Bonnie with Caroline.

"Whats wrong Elena you look like you want to cry" Camillie said.

"Can one of you flash out and go check on her i am locked in here i can't get out" Elena said. She hated that she couldn't get out. She was scared for Skylar.

"Ok i got it" Bonnie said she flashed out with Caroline.

"What do you mean your locked in" Freya asked.

"The door won't open and all your brothers are not here so i want to know why i can't leave my room." Elena said. She knew that her voice was coming out angry. But she wanted to know that her daughter was ok.

"What happened" Cami asked.

"I got up this morning as usual he told me yesterday him Klaus and Elijah were going to be gone for a few days i tried to open the door it wouldn't open i tried the window nothing will open." Elena said.

"Freya give me your hand" Cami said.

They joined hands and started chanting a spell. The door flew open. Elena ran out the room and into Skylars and her daughter wasn't in there. The three girls went downstairs and seen Caroline against the wall unconcious. Bonnie walked over holding Sky. Elena took her from her.

"What happened" Elena asked. She was mad who would do that. Skylar is a little girl who shouldn't be taken from her mother than this happens with everything this was begining to be to much.

"I don't know who she was a witch she was powerful but with the power i have i got her but not before she knocked Caroline out. holding Skylar when we got out" Bonnie said.

"I'm going to call my brothers stay with her i know who the witch was" Freya said she walked outside.

"Mama" Sky said.

"Yeah its me Sky" Elena said. Her voice sounded so broken she couldn't believe this was happening.

When Freya got outside she dialed Kol's number.

"Hello" Kol answered.

"We got a problem are y'all still together" Freya asked. She knew all three of them needed to hear this.

"Your on speaker what happened." Kol asked.

"What is the problem sister we were kind of busy" Klaus said.

"Elena was locked in her room locked couldn't get out of it she tried to get Lea she didn't come so then she called me Cami and Bonnie who came with Caroline who got knocked out when her and bonnie went to go see what happened want to take a guess at who the witch was" Freya said. She knew that Elena was scared out of her mind when she should be feeling safe.

"Davina" Kol sighed.

"You got to talk to her she's going insane. What if we didn't come when Elena called she would have been stuck in there going crazy for days not knowing how Sky is doing or if anyone is with her we told her she was going to be safe and not getting seperated from her daughter"  Freya said.

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