chapter 4

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Elena was sitting on the couch it was nightime she had put Sky down.

Kol walked in and seen her"Shouldn't you be sleep"

"Yeah but can't sleep this place gives me the creeps" Elena said. She didn't know why but she was scared now.

"Were you gonna tell me about her or were you just gonna try to raise a hybrid by yourself with my sisters help and just hope that i never met her" Kol asked. He wished that she had old him and not tried to keep it a secret.

"Tell you that you got me pregnant after you left town finding out that i'm a junior and pregnant and half of my friends hate me and the other half are pitying me because i became a teen mom and lied about knowing who the father is" Elena said. She wished that she wasn't mad but she was."I kicked your girlfriend out today"

Kol sat down next to her and raised his eyebrows. He knew how Elena could get when she was mad or somene upset her"What did you do"

"What did i do try what did she do all i said was i was forced to move her cause your crazy aunt is after our daughter not my fault she took it personal and i'm mad at you. You didn't even come to see her today you came when she was alseep your an ass for that."

He had to think of a reply before answering knowing better than to upset her further."I honestly don't know i was scared what if i mess up"

"You won't she's seen pictures of you multiple times and you should warn your girlfriend she's disrespectful" Elena said.

"What happened" Kol said.

"I told her you had a daughter she shouted told her i didn't want you and i'm being forced to be here she has a problem what do i have to lie about you having a daughter for the whole thats not possible speech i told her she could think on it cause i really don't care i told her clearly i was forced to move in i'm on house arrest again until y'all deal with your aunt"

"What did she say"

"She asked did you just found out i told her i found out i was pregnant after you left which is true rebekah agreed to help me before finding out thats her neice she was jealous and i don't know why she made me snap on her cause she said was i just going to wait until you were happy so i can ruin your life  i told her i wasn't here for you but she's a jealous little witch i didn't want my daughter around this family for obvious reasons but all she was getting was that i'm trying to ruin your life i told her i would appreciate if she left and only be here if your here and i threatened to disapear"

"What did she say"

"Just that you don't care about your daughter yet you forced me to move in and that you had all this made an hour after finding out and i threatened to call bonnie she also she's step mom i threatened her because until i die i am Skylars mom and she is nothing i don't care how far you two go she is my daughter she is your daughter and she does not have another mother"

"So you were just going to raise her by herself"

Elena sighed and ran her hand through her hair"I wanted to raise her by myself it wasn't personal but i didn't want her involved with this she doesn't even know y'all and she's already in so much danger and i hate it what am i supposed to do"

"Were not gonna let anything happen to her Elena you know i would neveer hurt my own blood. I'm not gonna let anything happen to her"

"Yeah but your brothers would they do it to you all the time is she gonna wake up one day to you being daggered and wonder what the hell happened to her father i can't have you here helping one minute then gone the next cause its not fair to her and its not fair to me how is she gonna feel if her father just up and disapeared without a goodbye"

"Your stronger than you look Elena if anyone could figure out something to do in that situation it'll be you and my brothers are going to have to try really hard to get rid of me again." He gave her a slight smile. He understood why she was scared."You should get some sleep your still human"

"This place gives me the creeps i'm not used to this place even at my old house it was hard for me to go to sleep" Elena said

"If you don't get any sleep you won't be a nice person" Kol said.

"I tried going to sleep it didn't take you got more questions now would be the time to ask them"

"Whats her name"

"Skylar Mirandia Mikaelson i gave her your last name i don't know why"


"March 18 she looks a lot more like you than me i'm surprised it took Rebekah that long to realise they were related"

"How did Rebekah find out"

"Three weeks after you left i was at school and Rebekah Caroline they decided to put me on the ladder to hang the banner up for the dance so they could both make sure it was perfect they kept saying they heard something and they said it was a heart beat it was coming from me they told me that and i slipped and fell woke up in the hospital with Meredith she told me i was pregnant Rebekah helped me compel my way out got me into online schooling realising it was a vampire baby with the faint heartbeat"

"You said half hated you the other half pittied you"

"Matt, Stefan, Damon, even Katherine was disapointed in me and we hated each other. Your sister told me if i wanted her help she was willing to help me. Jeremy and Tyler were on my side there my brothers blood or not they were more mad that i wouldn't tell them how i got pregnant. But they got over it especially after holding her for the first time" 

"Are you going to be able to get along with Davina"

"No she deserved everything i said to her she took it to far"

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