chapter 1

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Elena was sitting on her bed. Her 1 year old daughter sitting besides her. She heard a knock at the door and went to go check it out. All there was, was a single black rose or specifcally a black Dhalia flower.

"What the hell" Elena said, She closed her door and locked it. She heard Skylar start to cry and she ran upstairs and soothed her.

Elena put her down for a nap and called Rebekah"Hello"

"Bekah a black Dhalia flower just appeared at my door step and i don't know why" Elena said. She was a little freaked out she never had to go through this before.

"What do you mean a black Dhalia" Rebekah said. She felt that was a little strange.

"Yeah a black Dhalia can you call your brothers and see if they know anything about it i know there probably busy with Hope but i'm scared for Sky" Elena  said,

"I'm in New Orleans now cause i wanted to see hope i'll ask around" Rebekah said. She understood why Elena was so scared. and she wanted to help.

"Thanks Bekah i just put her down i got to get my school work done" Elena said. She was happy she was able to do online schooling after finding out about sky. She was almost done with the year.

"Bye" Rebekah said.

After hanging up with Elena Rebekah headed to the compound. Since she was at the plantaion house, When she got there she seen her three brothers- Kol, Elijah and Klaus. Her sister Freya and Hope and Haley.

"Anyone know anything about a Black Dhalia flower" Rebekah asked. She noticed that Freya's eyes widened

"Haley did you get one" Freya asked.

"No why" Haley said. Everyone was confused on what the two sisters was talking about.

"Freya what do you know Freya" Rebekah said.

"Who got one and by any chance does she have a kid from our bloodline"  Freya asked. Rebekah's brothers looked at her.

"Umm Umm shit" Rebekah said. She tried to dial Elena but it went  to voicemail. "1 year old daughter Skylar she doesn't know who with cause she doesn't remember now that i think about it could have been compulsion"

"Get eyes on her now" Freya said

"Tell me what the hell is going on she's in her house that already has protection spells on it she just put Sky down start talking" Rebekah said. She was scared for Sky she knew she had a right to be.

"Well our evil mother may have promised all first born Mikaelson's to our crazy aunt Dhalia and that was her sign Dhalia flowers" Freya said.

Rebekah's phone started ringing it was Elena."I'll be back this is her." She left out and walked away then answered.

"Hello" Elena said.

"Are you ok" Rebekah asked.

"Yeah i'm fine. My phone was on silent and i was expecting a call from Caroline whats wrong." Elena asked. She had never heard Rebeakh so on edge before so she knew that somehing was wrong.

"Stay in the house and did you sleep with one of my brothers" Rebekah said.

"I told you i don't remember" Elena said. She was lying but she didn't want Rebekah to know that.

"I know Sky's from my line so which one was it" Rebekah said,

"No i'm good he can tell you" Elena said

"Ok stay in the house don't leave don't let anyone ask you or Skylar the house unless you personally see me don't tell anyone to come in at all bonnie caroline can pass through the enchantments if its not the real them then they can't" Rebekah said

"Another lockdown your kidding me right" Elena said,

"For Sky please" Rebekah said.

She heard Elena groan"Fine"

"Bye" Rebekah said. She texted caroline to go check on Elena and make sure no one is watching the house.

Rebekah went back to the compound and her brothers were looking at her.

"I'm gonna let you two figure it out yourself and think of the girls you slept with that have a slight possibility of getting pregnant and congrats you have a daughter named Skylar she won't tell me who it is" Rebekah said.

"What did you tell her" Freya asked.

"That she was on lockdown don't invite anyone in and which of my brothers was it she's refusing to tell me" Rebekah said. She wasn't mad that Elena wasn't telling her it was her choice.

"So it was either Kol or Elijah hope is my first born" Klaus said.

"Wait she was pregnant that was 2 years ago" Haley said.

"Yeah and her daughter turned 1, 3 months ago" Rebekah said. She didn't know that Haley knew.

"Wait how does Haley know and we don't" Klaus asked.

"Cause she disapeared for a while when y'all left Haley was friends with her brother" Rebekah said.

"Me i'm the one with the daughter" Kol said. It took him a minute to think about it. But then he remembered how he had slept with Elena once."Elena can get pregnant. Doppelgangers have different rules."

"What" Klaus nearly shouted.

Rebekah's phone dinged. "Caroline went over there with Tyler she found a note 5 days to hand over Sky or you won't make it alive she won't give it to Elena"

"We go there it'll be a day instead of 5" Freya said.

"Not if she's not there" Kol smirked.

"You can get them out without us going then do it" Rebekah said.

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