Chapter 20

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Hayley and Elea walked into the compound. Everyone was standing around."I'm going to kill you Tyler."

"You read them all" Caroline asked.

Elena stopped. Hayely shook her head. She knew that this was not about to end well. She watched As Elena clenched and unclenched her fist."Who all read the letters before she got them."

"Well i gave them to Caroline who gave them to Bonnie and Jeremy." Tyler said.

Hayley grabbed Elena and dragged her back."Remember you can't kill them. Even if you really want to."

"I wasn't considering murder i was considering tourture." Elena sighed. Hayley let go of Elena.

"Can't tourture them." Hayley said.

Rebekah dragged Katherine in."Seriously i didn't snap her neck why did i have to grab her."

"You did you were the one in the backseat with her." Elena said.

"No Hayley did it first and i didn't need to hear her complaining." Rebekah said.

Freya walked over to Elena. She handed her Skylar.l"I think someone missed there mom."


"Hi Sky. Mama got you a present cover your eyes." Elena smiled.Skylar put her hands over her eyes. Elena pulled out a blue stuffed Dolphin."Open."

Sky took the dolphin. And smiled."Tank u."

Caroline walked oer to Hayley and handed her Hope. Hayley pulled out the pink stuffed Dolphin, Hope started clapping and took it.

 Hayley pulled out the pink stuffed Dolphin, Hope started clapping and took it

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"So how was Mystic Falls." Tyler asked.

"Eventful" Elena smirked."But i'm guessing Stefan already called."

"Elena we got two people who want to talk to you." Kol said.

"I don't even want to talk to y'all why would i want to talk to someone else." Elena asked.

"Elena. You might want to talk to them." Jeremy said.

"So sad." A cold voice filled the room.

"Oh shit" Freya cursed.

"Your practically serving the girls on silver platters. Behind you."

Elena and Hayley turned around and backed up."No."

"To bad i mean you two are great mothers. But i was promised the next generatation. Looks like it came sooner than later." Dahlia smirked.

"Get away from us your not taking our daughters" Hayley said.

Hayley and Kol were at there sides."There is more of us then you."

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