Chapter 18

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Elena Hayley and Rebekah were at a party in whitmore. They went shopping and got party clothes. They were dancing around like fools and having fun.


Everyone was in the compound Caroline put the girls into the play pen and was letting them play around. Bonnie and Freya were setting up for the spell. They set the ashes up with the candles and put the dimond in the middle."So if we hold hands our power with the dimonds. Should bring them both back." Bonnie said.

"Hopefully" Freya said.

"And if this doesn't work" Caroline asked.

"We pray to god she doesn't try to kill us" Klaus said.

"And if she does" Caroline asked.

"Duck and cover" Freya said.

"She can't be that bad" Bonnie said,

"Will see later" Caroline said, Her phone started ringing."Shit its Stefan. I didn't tell him where we were going,"

"Good" Bonnie said.

Caroline picked it up and put it to her ear."Hey Stefan whats up."

"You want the bad news or the news you wanted since my brother arrived in town" Stefan asked,

"Is he dead" Caroline smiled.

"Almost." Stefan said.

"Elena bit him" Bonnie asked.

"Why" Caroline asked.

"Well lets just say she came in here mad. Talking threats. Lets just say we both lost." Stefan said,

"She kicked y'all ass didn't she" Caroline asked.

"Lets just say that was worse then when i was fighting originals" Stefan said.

"More like threw at the wall dropped to the floor kneed in the stomach and threw at a wall. She bit him and told me she was being nice because i saved her and i get to watch my brother die next time she won't be generous" Stefan added.

"Damn well y'all did kill her father and were part of the reason that her mother had died what did y'all expect her to be nice." Caroline asked."So you said bad news. Whats bad damon dying is great news."

"Katherine is in town and so is Elena Rebekah and Hayely." Stefan said.

"Well bye to queen Slut then. If Elena can take you and Damon. And hop out of a burning car. Katherine's no match for her." Caroline said.

"I'm calling Hayley" Elijah said,


Hayley Elena and Rebekah were walking around town."Well that was fun" Rebekah smiled.

Hayley's phone started ringing."It's Elijah"

"Answer it" Rebekah said.

Hayley answered the call putting it on speaker."Hi Elijah."

"OK flip over the bench whoever sticks the landing wins" Rebekah said,

"What are y'all doing." Caroline asked.

"1,2,3 go" Elena and her both vamped to the bench. Rebekah did a tuck flip over and Elena grabbed the rail landing a perfect front flip.

"Hayley call it" Rebekah asked.

"Elena you tucked she landed it perfectl" Hayley said. She watched as Rebekah and Elena continued to flip."Well were having fun. No kids bored why not i twas my idea. Y'all get to watch the girls and we don't so were having fun. Were switching rolls with them for a few days doing what we want. They'd kill over Hope and Sky so we don't have to worry."

Elena stopped and looked around. Rebekah and Hayley looked at her."Katherine i know your here."

"That is cool" Rebekah siad.

Katherine flashed in front of her,"See you finally turned about time was it before or after the compulsion came off. Or before or after you had the baby how is Sky doing. She's one now right."

"Oh look at the time i gotta go bye" Hayley hung up and flashed to them."What do you know."

"Katherine what do you want" Elena asked.

"I'm on your side Elena" Katherine said.

"I'm supposed to believe that after everything you've done" Elena asked,

"Ask yourself this why would Jenna let me lure her into a sacrafice why was i with Mason. Why did i pick her to lure. Why was i friends with Isobel and John. Even as a vampire Jenna would retain her magic. She could have stopped it. But she didn't. Why did i hate you with the Salvatores it was because of your father he didn't want you with them. Neither did Jenna so i was supposed to get rid of them. Jenna just magically missed and didn't kill herself. You think John found that spell no Jenna gave it to him. Everything your parents did was in the name of protecting you. You were with Jenna for a long time before she gave you to her sister. Until Mikael came to destroy the soon to be newest original. Your immortal like Hope and Like Skylar. I'm only here to help."

"Yeah you help someone besides yourself" Rebekah said,

"Why would i come near the most powerful being in the world if i was lying. First i don't want to die second i am not kidding. I knew both of her parents. I am serious" Katherine said

Hayley flashed and snapped her neck." Looks like were heading home early."

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