Chapter 24

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Elena was walking into her house."Hope Skylar get down here." She was pissed when Caroline called her telling her the kids didn't show up for school today,

Hope and Skylar ran down the stairs."Hi mom."

"Hi Aunt Lena." They were scared she wasn't supposed to know that they skipped school.

"Aren't you two suppose to be at school" Elena crossed her arms over her chest.

"Uncle Henrick said we didn't have to go today."

"RIC GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Elena shouted. She knew that she scared him and it was funny watching him tense

Henrick flashed downstairs part of him being brought back was that he was a vampire. But he didn't enjoy that her wolf side/anger very much."Yes my soon to be sister." During the last five years Elena and Kol had gotten engaged but hadn't set a date or started planning for a wedding they were set on doing something small though.

"Are you kidding my right now?" Elena asked. She hated that they were skipping school."Why are they at home and where is my son."

"Kol had to go help Rebekah with something so he took Ethan with him and they gave me the pouty face and said that they didn't want to go to school something about it was no fun. And they started complaining." Henrick had a soft spot for his nieces and often spoiled them which caused him to get in trouble with there parents.

"Ok i'm calling both of your fathers." She may be the diciplinare but Skylar did not like her father knowing when she was in trouble.

"Crap." Skylar and Hope looked at eachother."Were in trouble."

She pulled out her phone and called Kol."Hey are you busy!"

"No Rebekah's complaing saying she never gets to spend time with them."

"Are you near Klaus and Hayley." Elena asked. She knew that they needed to hear this too.

"Yes there talking to my mother and sister." He was confused on what was going on.

"Tell them Hope and Skylar did puppy dog eyes and whinned until Henrick told them they didn't have to go to school."

"They'll be there in a second he gave me his phone." Rebekah sighed,"He has to stop doing that."

The three flashed in."You two what?"

"This isn't our first time skipping school its boring we know most of the spells and self-defense they teach."

"HOPE!" Skylar whinned she glarred at her younger cousin not believing that she just gave in just like that.."You weren't supposed to tell anyone that."


"Mom i don't like school." They hated being in a school when they knew most of the things that they were learning already.

"No one does you gotta deal with it." Kol smirked.

Hayley crossed her arms over her chest."You two can't skip school."

Elena looked at Henrick."And you can not let them."

"But they puppied dog eye me i can't say no to that."

"You have to." Elena growled her eyes began to flash. She know it scared him when she wolfed out so she hoped it would relay the message.

Henrick stepped back."Got it."

"Good." Elena smiled her eyes turning back to normal.

"You scare me."

She looked at the kids."School now Caroline is freaking out."

"Yes mom."

"Yes aunt Elena."

They both flashed to the room quickly put on their uniforms and grabbed there bags before flashing out
Lea and Vincent were in the cemetery."More people are joining her side Vincent we can't continue to keep this from the Mikaelson's the witches there going missing. People are dying kids being kidnapped we can't keep waiting this out."

"I know Lea who was the latest to be taken."

"Camillie O'Connel Elena's cousin."

"The hollow is slowly getting rid of the petrova line."

"They deserve to be brought in Vincent. Before its to late."
Everyone was in the compound Skylar and Hope were chasing Ethan around the room. Elena was talking with her mom and Hayley.

"Have any of y'all seen Cami she was supposed to meet me today but i haven't seen her." Elena was worried about her cousin she had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach that something bad was about to happen,

"Nope" Jenna shook her head."I haven't seen her since she said that she was going home yesterday actually she usually will meet me in the mornings."

"Maybe she just slept in." Hayley reminded. She knew that sometimes Camo was over exhausted.

"I hope your right."

Sage was talking with Freya and Rebekah."So have y'all noticed anything weird going on."

"What you mean like the peace and quiet." Rebekah asked.

"No like somethings not right i just can't put my finger on it."

"Freya stop worrying quiet is good." Finn reminded.

"He's right quiet is good." Elijah smiled he was happy that his family was so good.

Bonnie walked over to Freya."So i'm not the only one."

"Y'all are exadgerating." Sage sighed

"They could be right its quiet." Caroline suggested.

Bonnie looked over at Elena who was talking with Jenna and Hayley."LENA."

She looked over at her and rubbed her ears."You don't have to shout i can hear you."

"Oh year sorry are me and Freya the only one-"

"Feels like its too quiet and something is about to go terribly wrong nope."

Lea flashed in."We need to talk somethings going on and Cami got taken as the latest and people have been going missing left and right and we've been covering it up and we need help."


"I know should have told you when it started happening but Vincent told me not to. And i didn't think it was that bad."

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