chapter 8

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(So thanks to the different ideas i got i was able to decide what to do next)

The next day.

After the events of yesterday Caroline and Bonnie decided to stay in town the weekend. Caroline was refusing to take the cuffs off of Davina for obvious reasons. Bonnie and Caroline had stayed in Elena's room but as much as Elena hated to admit it she wished that Kol had been with her. Klaus and Elijah arrived back earlier than expected and them and all there siblings were meeting at the compound in a few hours.

Kol went to Davina's so he could talk to her. He had Caroline go with him because she was the only one that could take the cuffs off. He walked in and Davina was trying to figure out a way to get the cuffs off.

"They won't come off unless Caroline takes them off because she is the one that put them on" Kol said.

"Well then tell the blond to take them off" Davina spat. She was irritated she hated not being able to use her magic.

"You locked my best friend in her room and was messing with Skylar. You deserved them cuffs i got you a bargin she was going to summon Hazel grenades" Caroline said. Every word leaked venom she hated that someone was trying to hurt her bestfriend.

"Well tell your best friend to leave town and we wouldn't have these problems" Davina said, She hated how close Elena and Kol were getting.

"She doesn't have to leave town. She came here because i told her to. Our daughter is in danger and she's already scared out of her mind. And you acting like this is not helping anyone." Kol said.

"I have a reason for acting like this" Davina said.

"Who the hell do you think you are" Caroline said. After everything Elena had been through she was not gonna let someone disrespect her"my best friend didn't do shit to you i accessed her memories she let me see all of it you said you wish she aborted Skylar you said that she was just after your boyfriend she's ruining everyone's life lets get one thing straight she is the best person in the world and she's been through the worst pain ever all her parents her aunt her daughter almost died several times she doesn't need a petty jealous ass witch coming for her two she has enough on her plate"

"Oh come on she's trying to steal my boyfriend" Davina said.

"She is not and you just kidnapped her daughter. Her daughter the little girl that she loves with her whole heart who she will do anything for even get herself killed. She is here to protect her daughter because some evil witch bitch is trying to kill her. She never told anyone who Skylars father was she let Rebekah be her aunt but as far as everyone else knew it was a random guy. You don't know how much she already went through how everyone treats her already. Because of her daughter.Witches that have attacked her why she was pregnant poisoned her done all types of things to try and kill her baby. She wanted to kill you yesterday. She wanted you to rot. I talked her down and your damn lucky i did. She's always going to fight for her daughter. " Caroline said.

"What about what she's putting me through" Davina asked.

"Oh please." Caroline sighed."Your mad cause he knows he has a daughter because his daughter and her mother are living with him and your not your pathetic and i hope you go jump off a cliff. He deserves to know his daughters he deserves to help raise her and i won't tell her this but i'm happy he knows cause from what i've seen he's a damn good father."

"Davina i can't do this with you anymore i asked you to try with her and you locked her in her room you knew i was going to be gone for a couple days. You took Sky who doesn't even like being near you." Kol said.

"It's not my fault that bitch trained her daughter to not like anyone else but her" Davina said.

"My sisters hold Skylar so does Hayley Bonnie Cami my brothers me and Caroline" Kol said."My daughter doesn't like you."

"She's just trying to steal you from me and your letting her how do you know that Skylar's really your daughter. How do you know she didn't lie about that stupid flower being on her step or about everything else." Davina said.

"Oh bitch please. I picked up the letter from Dahlia she never seen it. Cause she doesn't like leaving her daughter unless she completly trusts the person she's leaving her with" Caroline said.

"This is what i'm talking about Davina. Skylar looks exactly like me and my sister who has magic that is more powerful then you confirmed it." Kol said."She couldn't have even known about the first born curse because literally the only person that knew about it was Freya. "

"Don't you see what she's doing she's trying to steal you from me. She's trying to ruin what we had." Davina pleaded.

"The only one that ruined it was you" Kol said."You couldn't give her a chance me and her slept together one time. And we had a baby you couldn't deal with it and thats on you Darling now she's here to take the cuffs off and then i'll never have to worry about you again."
All the Mikaelson's, Haley, Marcel and Cami were in the compound"So what happened yesterday is what i'm trying to figure out" Klaus asked.

"Davina locked Elena in her room Elena freaked out not knowing where Sky was she called me Freya and Bonnie she had a panic attack she had Caroline cuff Davina" Cami said.

"I never thought she would do something that bad" Marcel said.

"She mimicked when Sky got taken at 5 months not being able to leave the room the first person called didn't work she was scared out of her mind thats why she went into the panic attack" Rebekah said. She wanted to help her best friend as much as she could but she didn't know how she was supposed to help."She's scared because Dhalia hasn't said anything she's angry with everything that Davina has been telling her she's more angry that there isn't much that she could do"

"It hasn't even been three weeks yet" Kol sighed. This was a lot and it hadn't even been a lot of time.

"Its not my cousins fault that your ex girlfriend was physco Davina took it to far Elena was never tryng to hurt or offend her Davina took it far the whole he won't care about his daughter thing Davina started the arguement Elena and Davina could have been friends but she took it to far she got mad because of Sky" Cami said.

"That doesn't mean that it is Davina's fault" Marcel said.

"Yes it does do you know anything really about Elena her last two boyfriends tried to kill her daughter she's the nice one but when she goes off she goes off" Haley said.

"Last two" Klaus said.

"Yeah she dated stefan and damon and decided that neither of them were worth it and she rather be single then be with them" Rebekah said,

"Thats not the point the point is if Davina wouldn't have caught an attitude this wouldn't have happened my cousin lost all her parents partly cause of this family Davina told her she just wanted to ruin peoples life when there happy she didn't want anyone of them besides Rebekah to know about Sky so that her and her daughter didn't get hurt  my cousin told her if she continuted this.. oh shit" Cami said.

"What now" Elijah asked.

"She did tell y'all she threatned to leave whens the best time to leave" Cami said. Now she was freaking out she was hoping that Elena wasn't going to try to leave but she knew better.

"Now" Rebekah and Kol said. They both vamped to his house.

"I can't enter Freya or Elena has to let me in" Rebekah said.

"Then i'll go in" Kol said

"Go talk to her you won't make it a day without her or Sky i've seen how much they've grown on you."

When Kol left that morning Elena went through her closet and started going through her closet. She was going to leave New Orleans. She was gonna leave Skylar here for her protection and disapear. She couldn't do it no more. She realised a couple things this morning. She did the one things she said she wouldn't do. Fall for him. Although if anyone else asked she would deny it with her whole being. She liked getting to know the real him and she wanted to learn more about him. But she couldn't Davina had  ruined everything.

Bonnie walked in and looked at Elena."Are you sure about this leaving i know you want to run from your feelings but you can't Elena"

"I have to Bonnie she's much more safer with him then with me and i can't take this anymore that girl is gonna drive me to murder" Elena said.

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