chapter 14

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(Few Quick notes: Elena and Damon didn't kiss in 3x19 he saved her in 4x10 from Tyler )

Elena was sitting in Hayley's apartment she had just completed the transition."Elena you gotta tell me something."

"We were together. He would compel me to forget the last time we were together i begged him not to do. He said i wanted a family and thats something he couldn't give me. Back then i had always wanted kids. With him i was ok with Adoption i blocked him from trying but he still did it" Elena said,

At the ball

Elena walked down the steps she couldn't believe what she had just did. Elijah stopped her before she got to far."Do we have to be worried about my mother's intentions."

Elena seen Esther starring at her."No she was just apologizing. For trying to kill me twice."

She walked past him. She didn't want to do it but she didn't have a choice. Esther was making the toast. Before she finished. Elena caught Eyes with the youngest Mikaelson. He looked to be reading her. She didn't know why but her eyes shifted to the drink in his hand. Something was telling her to save him to warn him she didn't know what it was but she wanted to help him. She shook her head hoping he would understand what she was trying to say. And luckily he did. He nodded and she looked back towards Esther seeing she didn't notice what just happened.

The rest of the siblings drunk the champagne and she took a breath. After the toast was does not long after Kol cornered her. "What was in it."

"Can't tell you here to many wandering ears."

Elena was sitting on the steps of her lake house she had changed out of dress and into leggings and a t-shirt. Kol flashed next to her making her jump."Are you serious."

"I wanted to see if you would jump or not." Kol said.

"Seriously" Elena asked.

"Why'd you save me" Kol asked.

"Why were you starring." Elena asked,

"I asked you first" Kol said.

"Your mother wants to kill you. I originally planned to let you all die. Your brother killed me and my aunt and a lot more. Your sister tried to kill me several times your brother went back on his deal" Elena said.

"Still doesn't answer the question why would you tell me" Kol asked.

"I don't know," Elena said.

Kol looked into her eyes."I think you do and your just not telling me."

"So what it doesn't matter," Elena said. She turned away from him and looked off into the distance."I told you i saved you thats what mattered."

Kol leaned in and whispered in her ear."I still don't believe you."

Elena's breath caught in her throat she didn't trust her voice so she shook her head.

"I think that you are lying." Kol whispered

She felt her walls crumble. She looked at him." Maybe i wanted something different. My ex-boyfriend tried to drive me off a bridge. His brother is obsessed with me and will let anyone die if it means i don't. Now back to my questiion why were you starring."

"I've been in a coffin 98 years maybe i'm looking for a change." Kol said.

Elena stood up. "You need a better influence. Mess with them you'll end up in a box again." She took his hand and helped him up.

Becoming A Family  Mikaelson Style- KolenaWhere stories live. Discover now