Chapter 19

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They were in the car heading Home Elena decided its time to finally read the letters. She opened the binder and started to read the letters.

Dear Reader
Ty Elena i don't know who's reading. Ty if its you i need you to protect her. I triggered my curse recently and it hurts. Neither of you should have to go through this. Every bone will break in your body. I didn't want either of you to have to go through it. I know your wondering why protect Elena. She's your little cousin. My daughter. Jenna's daughter i know a lot of it doesn't make sense but just don't tell her. I would prefer neither of you to know but one has to. Elena if this is you. I'm sorry that we never told you. I'm sorry that we had to give you up.
Sincerly Mason

Dear Reader
Ty she won't only be a wolf but she'll be a witch to. If she turns all the blocks that i had put in place with undo. She will become powerful. She is a great person she doesn't like hurting people. And i don't want her to live with the guilt of hurting someone. Don't let her go through it. Not alone. She loses everything. Oncer she is turned she can't be killed. I made sure of it. I want her to get everything that she ever wanted in live.
Sincerly Jenna.

Dear Elena
I Hope Tyler gives you this letter so that i can explain. When you were born it was the best day of our lives. Until we realized. You'd have the werewolf gene and are the first born of a petrova witch. John was one of my best friends your god father. Your mom and I knew that we couldn't tell you what your heritage. So Grayson and Mirandia took you. We forged a birth certificate saying that he and Isobel were your parents. Its dangerous for you to turn. You'll be a vampire who's a werewolf and have Magic. Because the Petrova line is one of the biggest lines you'll retain your magic. You'll be more angry and i don't want it to take you over. I want you to get to live the life that you have always wanted. I want you to fall in loek i want you to get the family that you deserve.
Sincerly your dad Mason.

"I hate this" Elena whinned.

"Continue reading" Hayley ordered. She was not going to let Elena stop she knew that she had to hear everything.

Dear Elena
I know you probably hate me. I probably deserve it to. I was around you and i lied i said that Isobel was your mother knowing that it was me. I should hav told you but i didn't know how. I was scared it was going to make you hate me. And thats something i never wanted. Finding out you knew all about the world i wanted to keep you from getting mad over the littlest thing i shouldn't have done it. Things could have been different they should have been. I shouldn't have dragged it on. Pretending to be your aunt. I should have told you. You don't deserve this but i just got so scared. You are my baby girl and you will always be. I broke your trust and i get that your probably so mad at me but i did it for you. I did it so that you could have a normal life. I did it cause i wanted my baby girl to fall in love to get the life that she desered. I know that you can't forgive me for what i did but i had to do it. And if i had to again i would.
Sincerly your mother Jenna.

Dear Ty
Keep them away from her. Not them. I don't like that she is hanging with them. They are bad they are ruthless and i don't need them forcing her into anything. Your her cousin you have to protect her from them. I can't have them breaking my little girl. She doesn't deserve it.
Sincerly Mason.

Tyler i need you to help me. I know your confused in the last month so much has changed. If the originals are here looking for her we need to be ready. When i met Katherine things changed. She knew Jenna she knew that Elena was my daughter. But thats not the worst thing. She told me that Elena is to be used in the sun and the moon curse. Tyler we have to stop it or we need another way. I won't let her go not that young not before she gets  Destroy the moonstone
Sincerly Mason

Dear Ty
Mason's dead. It was the Salvatores there is nothing i can do right now. I made a deal with him that if anything ever happened my focus would be on Elena. We have to protect her. Its only a matter of time before there is nothing we can do. If she turns i don't want her to have to deal with the pain below is a spell just in case something happens to me i need you to loop Bonnie Jeremy and Caroline in. They would protect her with there lives. And thats what i need. Have Bonnie cast the spell. Don't let her go through it alone. I'm scared that she won't be able to handle it. I've seen Mason go through the transition its not pretty. I know that sooner or later you both will have to go through it. But you need to warned. It hurts it makes you so angry. Anger that i'm afraid she can't control. My girl is strong she is the best person i ever knew. She will put everyone's life over her own. But that Anger will not be her friend. You can't allow her to break. Help her to stay strong. I know that y'all together can do this. I'm scared that i might have been compromised. And that means soon enough someone will try to get rid of me. That means that she won't have me stay with her don't let her do anything that she may regret.  She can't handle hurting anyone. She doesn't like seeing people in pain.
Sincerly Jenna.

This is my last letter Katherine called me. Klaus wants to use me as the vampire in the Sacrafice. John called me and told me that he was going to give his life for hers. I know that she's not going to be able to take it but she has to. If anyone can its her. Tell her i love her and that i'm sorry. This is my goodbye.

Elena threw the binder into the backseat."I'm done. No i will never read those again."

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