Chapter 3

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Lea flashed to the compound where everyone was. She took a breath before she said."She's here there safe Dhalia had two witches watching her i made them pass out then i got her out of there."

"How is she" Rebekah asked. She knew Elena that she could hide behind many layers before you reached the real one."Let me rephrase that how is she acting."

"Like she's not terrified that someone is after her daughter. That everythings going to be ok" Lea said truthfully.

Davina walked in with a irritated look on her face,"Lea what were you doing"

"Huh" Lea said. She knew what this was about the magic she had been doing.

"Davina she was doing something for me" Kol said.

"Fine but she's not supposed to be doing magic" Davina said. And walked out clearly mad.

They were in silence until Freya spoke up."You do know you have to tell your girlfriend that you got another girl pregnant before y'all started dating and now her and y'all daughter are staying at your house. You have to tell her of what i know about Elena is that the girl can fight and can do a lot of different things we don't need them at odds"

"Just keep Davina away from Sky. Elena hates when people try to play mother to her daughter. She told me she would dagger me and got bonnie to make a dagger as proof that she was serious."


Skylar woke up from her nap and Elena picked her up and sat her on the living room floor knowing how her daughter hated to be kept in one room.  Skylar started to cry so Elena picked her up.

"Whats wrong" Elena cooed.

"Who are you" Elena turned around and seen a girl with black hair

"Elena who are you" Elena asked. She didn't expect anyone to be here except Kol and Lea.

"Davina Kol's girlfriend what are you doing here" Davina asked.

"I didn't know he had a girlfriend i haven't seen him he forced me to move here because our daughter is in danger by his evil aunt"  Elena said. She watched as her eyes widened when she said our daughter. She knew that she must have hit a nerve.

"Daughter" Davina shouted.

"Yeah this is our daughter Skylar don't worry i don't want him i don't want to be here hence the word forced" Elena said. She knew that this girl was going to start freaking out. Who wouldn't after finding out that there boyfriend has a daughter.

"Thats not possible your lying thats not his daughter vampires can't have kids" Davina said.

"Well he does 1 year old daughter i'm going to go feed her let you think" Elena said. She went upstairs to Sky's room she put sky in her new seat. And she put crackers on her tray. She grabbed a bottle and made it. And couldn't help but wonder what was she going to do now. She was scared for her daughters life.

Davina was standing by Sky's door"So do you live here now"

"Yeah i'm on house arrest can't leave the house until they deal with the person after my daughter" Elena said. She could sense the jealousy in Davina's voice. She didn't understand why Davina had nothing to be worried about.

"So is he just finding out cause he would have told me" Davina said. She wouldn't tell anyone but she already didn't like Elena.

"No he didn't know i was pregnant Kol left soon after the party i seen him. He wanted to go do his own thing i found out i was pregnant Rebekah wanted to help me not knowing this was her neice" Elena said. She knew that Davina was worried Elena was trying to take him from her but that wasn't the case.

Elena was starting to get irritated she got even more angry when Davina said."So were you just going to wait till he was finally happy to ruin his life"

Elena turned around and looked at her."Excuse me i didn't want him in her life cause all that family brings is disaster i don't care if he's happy cause i don't want him cause trust me if i did i could have him i'm not here for your boyfriend i'm here cause my daughter is in danger and he is her father so when he is not here i would appreciate it if you weren't either cause if you continue this i'll disapear with her and it'll be your fault and he'll be angry with you "

"What makes you think he cares about her or you" Davina asked.

"The fact that i'm living with him and your dating him and your not the fact that he had this made for his daughter so do me a favor and leave cause my best friend is 100x your power try me" Elena said.

"I get to sit and play step mother to your daughter your gonna ruin everything."

"Your not step mother i don't care how far you go with him she is my daughter remember that she has no connection to you what so ever" Elena said. That is one thing that she did not like. When people tried to play mother to her daughter."She is my daughter and she is his daughter thats it i don't need no one else trying to play mother to my daughter i carried her i birthed her and i'll be damned if anyone tries to take that from me now can you please leave until your boyfriend actually gets here"

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