Chapter 27

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Elena was with Eva and Vincent she needed to know waht she was supposed to do and they were the only people that could tell her. "So how exactly are we supposed to stop this person."

"Your blood is potent to her your also as strong as her. Tyler and Hayley don't measure up to her strength but you are one of the strongest people alive and you do." She knew that her family was not about to like the fact that the hollow was after her simply because she was the only one that could do something. "For the other to live one of you have to die and we don't want it to be you."

"Then what do i do?" She needed to know what she needed to do for her to live and not die she could not abandon her family.

"Freya Esther are going to let you channel them you are going to channel this whole coven. Everything that i control you are going to have access to so that you can finally defeat her once and for all. While your using your magic against hers because it will rival yours and with the extra strength that you get from the channeling." They had thought much about this plan and how that they wanted this to go. "Hayley and Tyler are both going to have a knife that has been merged with your blood and they are going to stab her. But we need to prepare you because when its a Lunar Eclipse both of your power will be amplified." During celestial events her power was always at its greatness. "You both will be vulnerable to dying. Due to you saying that none of the children are allowed near this we are going to make sure that they are not."

"They are kids they better not be around this." She would not let her kids anywhere near this. She knew that they might want to help but she was not going to let them.

"Yes we understand that and we are keeping that promise" They were going to do their best to keep all of the kids away from what was happening.

Elena wanted to make sure taht she was right about this that she knew what to expect."You are stalling so it's just a matter of who has the upper hand cotrect."

"Yes." It was true it was more of a matter of who has the upper hand in the end.

"We just would rather it be you then her." Eva finished she knew it was a little selfish but it was true. If she didn't win the whole world was in danger.

"Because if it is her we don't know what she'll do to the world." It was true they didn't know what the hollow would do if she won. There was a chance that she would destroy the entire earth put everyone under her command.

"He's right she wants revenge for what her family had done to her she seen a chance to get stronger using the Mikaelson family and if she gets ahold of one of the kids." They didn't even want to think of what she could do to one of the kids.

Elena growled her eyes flashing amber she would not let the hollow anywhere near her kids. She didn't want anyone to get hurt. She didn't want anyone put in danger. "She's not getting near my kids."

"I know that but its still the but if she does the world is doomed." They had to warn her they had to let her know the consquences of what could happen. They couldn't just let everything happen they had to now what was going to happen what could happen.

"Yeah I pretty much got that." Elena understood waht the hollow could do what could happen if anything went wrong.

"I know that this is not ideal." Vincent said he knew that she did not like any of this.

"And possibly the worst timing ever." Eva added she knew that they should have told her earlier. And gave her more time to prepare for this.

"Sure is." Worse possible time she was happy that Skylar understood how serious this was and was willing to postpone it. "My daughter's birthday she is not happy about this you know."

"We know." There wasn't really anything else they could say about this but prepare her for what was to come.


"No buts she is 7 she is going nowhere near this i don't care how powerful she is. I am not risking her life my son's life or my nieces life over a they might give me the upper hand." She was not letting the kids near it she had family that could help her and they were still in the planning phase nothing was certian for sure. "They are kids and their lives are anything but normla and if i have the chance to protect them then that is what i am going to do hands down. Nothing will change my mind about that"

"We know that however you want to do this its up to you." Whatever she wanted to do was up to her and her alone . "Elena your stronger than you were when you first had gotten your poweres. You will be able to do this,"

"I don't think that their is anyone else this is what you were born for." They knew that this is what she was born for and nothing would change that ever.

"Yeah i figured that when you guys said that i was as strong as her and only one of us could live." It meant that only one of them could do it and she didn't plan on leaving her family anytime soon. She had three weeks to come up with a plan to make sure that none of them got hurt. That none of them died and that she was still going to be there for when her children grew up.

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