Chapter 15

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(I hope y'all liked yesterdays flashback chapter)

Elena woke up she was laying next to Hayley they had fallen asleep on the couch. They had been there for  week. Elena got up and cleaned the ice cream containers from near them. Hayley sat up."You should go see them. See Sky she misses you."

"If i see him i'm scared i will kill him" Elena said. Elena went and sat back by Hayley.

"I know that your scared. Your angry that he didn't tell you that he compelled you. I know your mad at Caroline Tyler and Bonnie for lying to you but you have to talk to them eventually. You have to go see Sky." Hayley said.

"Fine only because i want to see my daughter" Elena said.

"There lets go." Hayley said.


Elena and Hayley went to the compound. She didn't want to be there but she wanted her daughter. She seen the 4 originals. Jeremy Tyler Caroline and Bonnie. Freya was talking with Rebekah. Rebekah was holding Sky and Freya had Hope.

"Elena" Rebekah said. She was happy to see Elena again she knew that this had to be hard for her.

"Elena your here where have you been" Caroline said

"Thinking of ways to kill you in your sleep" Elena crossed her arms over her chest and glared at them.

"Elena were sorry." Bonnie said.

"Sorry for which part. He compelled you. You put the blocker spell on, She lied to me. Tyler lied and didn't tell me anything when he knew. Do i need to continue." Elena said.

"I thought you were going to be nice" Hayley said.

Elena went over to Rebekah and took  Sky."I didn't say that. I said that i would come only because i wanted my daughter. Thats it."

"Elena what we were supposed to say. Oh by the way your a lockwood and your mother was a petrova witch who got killed in a sacrafice because we couldn't tell anyone. We had to keep it a secret for your own saftey" Tyler said.

"I already triggered it her blocker was only going to work until i turned." Elena said.

"When did you" Caroline asked.

"I had a friend who had the gene. She's not a hybrid. We were alone. So when she almost killed the girl and she was about to die i did it so she wouldn't have to. The blocker kept it till i turned. My magic would return my wolf side would unlock. Or how about that you knew i was Jenna's daughter that she gave up in high school and she was posing as my aunt so she could keep an eye on me." Elena turned towards Tyler." Or how about the fact that you knew your uncle was my dad. Why didn't you tell me."

"There was a reason he hated the Salvatores Elena and it wasn't because they were trying to out him or even because they were vampires. It was because they had there eyes on you. John and Isobel were your god Parents in case of emergency's they were to pose as your biological. No one was supposed to find out Jenna had magic or she was apart of the Petrova line." Tyler said.

"He knew he was a wolf. We knew you would inherit the magic the point was not to let you die with vampire blood in your system but then after Skylar was born. Witches started figuring it out and then they weren't just coming for hrt they were coming for you to." Bonnie said.

"What happened to Mason" Elena asked. Caroline Tyler Jeremy and Bonnie looked at eachother."Don't lie to me."

"Damon and Stefan tourtured him. I was there Damon kicked me out. This was before me or Bonnie knew. If i would have known i wouldn't have let it happen" Jermey said.

"I thought he wanted the moonstoon to break his curse. He wanted it to get it destroyed so that you couldn't be used." Bonnie said. Tears were starting to come down her face."I wouldn't have helped them if i would have known. But Tyler didn't tell anyone till after his first full moon. He told us that we had to make sure you didn't trigger it you couldn't go through it. He wouldn't let you. So we worked together and we tried to delay it as long as we could."

"Cami" Elena asked.

"My mom had and older brother. Cami's dad. Cami is our cousin. We had her spin the story to keep you safe." Jeremy said.

Elena tightened her grip on her daughter making sure that she was secure in her arms and vamped out.

"Where the hell did she just go" Freya said.

"Well there's the option of my house the place she stays with Kol. A hotel Cami's or anywhere really" Hayley said. She was a little pissed right now. Ok a lot pissed."Why didn't y'all tell her you know how she must feel right now."

"We were trying to protect her" Caroline said.

"Mason didn't want her to know just like he didn't want me to know. He figured if she didn't know she wouldn't trigger it. Elena is one of the nicest people i know. She won't hurt anyone unless she absolultly has to. She's been dealing with this change and that change. When he met Katherine he knew that Elena was the doppelganger. That she had to be used in the sacrafice. So he told me to promise that i wouldn't tell her. Get the moonstone destroyed save her. Jenna didn't want Elena to know about her supernatural background that she's going to be one of the strongest beings alive. She knows the difference between Elena and Katherine. She knows that she rather her daughter have her friends to come back to. She knew with Mason gone that if Elena triggered that curse i had to be here for her to learn about what she is. How was i supposed to disrespect her parents dying wish. They died for her." Tyler said.

"I helped get Mason killed. I handed him to them. I couldn't stop Jenna from dying no offense Klaus. But Elijah took Klaus before i could finish him off. Jenna died and the person that killed her and his ass of a family got to live. I couldn't disrespect there wishes." Bonnie said.

Tyler went to his book bag and pulled out a binder of letters. He handed them to Hayley who read them."What would you do if you got these. After getting the fifth one i knew i had to put them up saftley until she could read them,"

"Kol your not saying anything. Why not do you love her or not cause you have a really shitty way of showing it." Hayley said.

"What am i supposed to say. I compelled her she begged me not to and i did it anyway to top it off i never took it off." Kol said.

"How about i'm sorry." Hayley said. She walked over to him and handed him the binder."Its a start and give her these. She'll probably yell at you maybe slap you again but you deserve it."

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