chapter 10

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(If you missed when she made the decision whether to stay or not its in the last  chapter i posted that chapter and one from a differnet story at the same time.)

This chapter holds a huge twist hope y'all like it
The party 2 years

Elena and Caroline walked into the party,

"So have fun do whatever get drunk just make sure you text me to let me know what your doing" Caroline said.

"Ok" Elena said.

The two girls split up after drinking a few drinks. Elena decided to walk around. When she was looking around she ran into someone. She looked up and seen Kol.

"What are you doing at a college party come to kill have the people attending" Elena asked

"I can't crash a party what are you doing here" Kol said.

"Getting drunk inspite of all my problems" ELena said.

"There are better ways to spend your time" Kol smirked. Saying the last part in a seductive voice.

"I just might be drunk enough to take you up on that offer. But you got to dance with me first i know how horny vampires are your not getting in my pants until i get a dance" Elena smirked.

She took his hands and pulled him on to the dance floor. They were dancing. He spinned her into him. He smelt her neck smelling the blood pumping through it.

"You smell delicious darling." Kol said.

"Then  how about you have a taste" Elena breathed. She hated that he was already having this affect on her.

"Soon" Kol whispered.


Elena woke up the next morning she was laying on Kol's chest. She was in her shirt and her underwear phone was ringing. She got up and went and grabbed her phone out her purse."Hello"

"You never called me" Caroline shouted.

"Shh" Elena said.

"Jeremy and Tyler called me freaking out your there sister and your not answering your phone." Caroline said."I told them we went to a party and you stayed with me. Lie are you ok."

"Oh i'm fine i promise i gotta go." Elena said.

"One time i need you to tell me something you won't tell me" Caroline groaned.

"Bye Caroline" Elena said. She hung up and went back to the bed. She sat up and looked at him.

"It's rude to stare" Kol murmured. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

"It's also rude to compel people. Really rude." Elena said."You just gonna uncompel me and then do it again. It's not fair you know,"

He used his vampire speed to pin her to the bed with him hovering her."Darling we talked about this."

"No you talked. I hate this you compel me to forget everything that happened then you compel met to remember just to make me forget again its not fair." Elena said."You compelled me after the ball to forget i told you not to drink it and slept with you or the time in denver when i went and found you after he snapped your neck. What about when you saved me from the crash with Matt. Do i need to continue its not fair Kol."

"Elena you want to have a family some day and thats something i can't do for you." Kol said.

"I'll be fine Adoption is always an option you know. I don't have to have my own kid i wish we could but its fine don't make me forget. Please" Elena begged.

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