Chapter 21

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She walked over to him so that they were face to face."Answer the question. Do You Love Me?"


"No i want you to be honest with me. After the two years. Thats how long its been. Over two years since you compelled me to forget and left. So i want you to tell me Do you love me still." She needed to know after everything that had happened she needed this.

"I don't know Elena," Kol sighed.

"I think you do. I think you knew since i got here but got scared. I think that when you found out about Skylar you felt guilty because you do still love me. Because thats why you left. You loved me but you wanted to let me go so that i could be a mother like i always wanted. Why you didn't care what Davina was think cause you-"

He closed the distance between them. He cut her off with a kiss. Which she responds to immediantly. He broke apart and starred into her eyes."I do love you."

"Thats all i needed to hear. Don't mess up again," She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.


Meanwhile everyone else was at the compound."She hates me she hates us." Jenna sighed.

"She doesn't hate y'all." Tyler said.

"She just needs time." Caroline said.

Hayley walked downstairs she had layed Hope down."She doesn't hate you. She hates that she didn't knew. Tyler was prepared to be a wolf for the anger the transformation. She had no clue that it was coming."

Jenna turned towards her."Then what am  i supposed to do."

"Give her 24 hours. Let her deal with one problem at a time. She needs to figure out what she is going to do. Dahlia scared us today. She hasn't made an appearence ever. And has did nothing sice before Elena came here." Hayley said.

"Just a guess that by problem you mean figure out what the hell is happening between her and my brother," Freya asked.

"Can't answer that. Sworn to secrentcy." Hayley said.

"Same but who knew we could have fun in Mystic Falls." Rebekah said.

"I did." Caroline said.

"Sometimes." Bonnie sighed.

"The thing about Elena being upset is that its to many lies at once. Finding out he compelled her for her saftey not remembering any of that. I give him credit i wouldn't have made it through her yelling." Klaus said.

"There is also the she's a werewolf." Elijah said.

"A witch." Freya said.

"Making her the most powerful being to walk this earth. Same time she finds out she died. That who she thought was her parents weren't her parents. That they've been there. That her ex boyfriend murdered her father. That her best friends helped. That a evil witch is still after her daughter and niece. That her best friends knew and never told her. Do i need to go on." Hayley asked.

"Ok i guess that's fair. But is he good with her." Jenna said.

"From what i've seen or what i know." Hayley sked.

"Can't it be both." Jenna asked.

Hayley smiled and nodded."She's told me memories things that no one else knows. He was there he always made sure that she was safe. Procreation is impossible. He wanted her to get everyting that she always wanted. And one of the big things was to be a mother. He compelled her for two reasons what no one knew kept her a hundred times safer. And so that she could get the life that she wanted." Hayley said.

"Ok what have you seen." Mason said.

"How protective he is of her. How he would do anything for her." Hayley smiled."His ex-girlfreind is a little bit of a physco. We know Elena is crazy. Davina started talking shit she got put in her place. Lets just say that Davina locked Elena in a room knowing he's out of town. She can call witches he was back in ten minutes after being hours away stupid vampire speed. Bottom line he'd do anything for her. I've never seen him shut the hell up. She got pissed and lets just say only time he ever went silent."

"She's not lying threats sarcasim that damn smirk my brother will not listen to anyone he'll listen to her. Without her being angry, I've never seen him open up to someone or the pictures she sent us. There so cute."

"What pictures." Klaus asked.

"Well there's the one of him and Skylar sleep she made it her home screen. The places they went she takes a lot of pitcures." Hayley said.


Elena was standing in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. She felt someone behind her and turned around."Seriously you know i knew you were there right."

Kol shook his head."I hate your new senses."

Elena smiled and leaned in and kissed him. She pulled  away and smirk."This is your one chance ever lie to me again i will bite you and watch you hallucinate.I think i hear Skylar." She flashed away.

"This is not over Gilbert."

"Gotta catch me first Mikaelson"

Cami walked into the compound to see everyone taling."Jenna."

Jenna turned towards her and nodded."Hi Cami."

"What is going on." Cami said.

"You've been gone awhile and that is a very very long story." Jermey said.

"Y'all got time."

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