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Bonnie looked at her watch she had been timing it and it was offically about to be over. She hoped that they were all ok and that the plan worked. "And it ends in 3 2 1."

"Why aren't they back yet?" Rebekah asked if it was over she didn't understand why they were gone. They should be coming in now and not still god knowswhere.

"I don't know." That was the same thing that she was wondering they should have just been waiting for the spell to come off. She didn't get why they weren't in yet. They should have ended her already.

They all looked at her seeing that obviously the plan hadn't been planned very well if she had no clue what was going on."How don't you know you-"

Hope looked at Skylar who was in a daze she expected her cousin to be the first one to say something about her mother not being back. "Sky snap out of it" She snapped her fingers in front of her making her look at them. She knew that she had sensed something but was worried whether it was something good or bad. "What is it?"

She smiled looking at her family she still sensed her mom and the rest of her family that meant they were all ok. "There ok."

Hope smiled lightly she had been worried herself but she hadn't wanted to think that the worst had happened. She was happy to hear that they were ok. But she knew what this meant now. "Well that was one way to start your birthday."

Skylar nodded chuckling slightly she had forgotten that it was her birthday to worried about what was going to happen. Worried that she was going to lose her mother."I am offically 8."

"Happy birthday sky."

Elena walked in with Hayley followed by Tyler Katherine Jenna and Mason. They knew that they were a little behind schedule but they were ok and they had made sure that she could never hurt anyone ever again.

Bonnie ran to her best friend hugging her. She had been scared that something went wrong she hated not knowing how it was going. If their plan was a success. "I hate you."

Elena hugged her best friend she was grateful for her and that she went along with the plan in the first place. She knew that they had worried everyone and she really hadn't meant to. "I love you too Bonnie."

"Never do anything like that again." She would never agree to help her with a plan like that again she didn't care how strong they were life or death situations were always the worst. And she now wanted to avoid them at all costs. She didn't want any of them to be on the verge of dying anymore. She knew how risky this was for Elena to do it in the first place. And she didn't want to agree to it but she knew that Elena had to be their to stop Induna so she made sure that she took help.

"I'm not i swear." She was done putting herself in those dangerous situations she had a family that she never would lose. She had to protect them and she would never let anyone hurt any of them.

She let her best friend go looking over to the brunette werewolf. "You better not same goes for you Hayley."

Skylar and Hope both ran to their mothers they were happy to see they were ok.. "Never do that again."


"We won't." They promised they never planned on leaving their daughters they wanted to see them in their future they wanted to see them change the norms.

Elena knelt in front of Skylar she was happy to be back with her family with her daughter. She would do anything to protect her baby.  "Happy birthday."

Skylar hugged her mom not wanting to let her go. She was so happy that she was ok she had never been so scared about anything in her life.   "I love you mom."

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