Chapter 5

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Elena woke up the next morning. She was laying on Kol's shoulder. She heard Sky crying so she got up and went to her room. She changed her and got her baby food off the shelf and put her in her high chair.

"Say Mama" Elena said. Sky shook her head."Say Bekah" Sky shook her head.

"Dada" Sky smiled. She pointed towards the door. Elena turned around and seen Kol.

"I really hate you" Elena groaned.

"What did i do" Kol asked.

"First time meeting her and her first word was Dada i've been trying for a month to get her to say Mama but she won't say it" Elena said.

Rebekah walked in and looked at the three"Are you two already arguing she just got here"

"Dada" Sky said.

Rebekah gasped then she realised what happened."Oh thats why your mad"

"Say Mama" Elena said. Sky shook her head."I give up"

"Say Bekah" Rebekah said. Sky shook her head"That is not fair"

"I think it is" Kol smirked

"It isn't" Elena said. She took Skylar out of her tray and sat her on the ground."Next first steps i miss them i will kill you"

"Dada" Sky said. She crawled towards Kol and he picked her up.

"Hi Sky" Kol said.

"So what happened yesterday" Rebekah said.

"I swear i didn't do anything wrong she deserved everything that i said to her" Elena said,

"What did you say" Rebekah said.

"Nothing so i'm on house arrest tell me now" Elena asked.

"You can't leave unless a vampire is accompanying you" Kol said.

"So did you tell Davina yet" Rebekah asked

Elena ran her hand through her hair"About that she kind of visited yesterday and lets just say i don't like her cause she basically just said that that im ruining everyones life and i went off on so many different levels one being when he is not here she doesn't need to be either she has no connection what so ever to Sky do i need to go on"

"No i know you and I've seen how she acts"  Rebekah said.

"Whats that supposed to mean" Elena asked.

"Nice way put it you get offended easily Elena. And Davina knows how to make people mad you can keep your calm until a certain point so the whole ruining peoples life thing made you snap am i right" Rebekah said.

"Yup that was it" Kol said. Noticing how Elena's face changed.

"So when can i meet Hope" Elena asked.

"Brother you can bond with your daughter and i can take her to see the rest of our family" Rebekah said.

"I am not going out wearing this she threw up on me like ten times people are going to look at me weird"

"I'm going to go through your closet where is it" Rebekah asked.

"My room is litterally right across from here" Elena said. Rebekah turned around and went into Elena's room."You know how to watch a baby right"

"Will be fine" Kol said.

"Ok" Elena said. She had switched places with Rebekah and got dress.

 She had switched places with Rebekah and got dress

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