Chapter 28

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They were starting her actual training they could worry more about the plan once they were sure that she knew what she was doing. "Elena if you want the chance to take her down you need to focus all of your energy on hurting her."

She knew that she had to focus but that was not easy for her when she was worried about something happened to her family. "Sorry it's hard to focus when there are so many other things that i have to be worried about like i don't know my family."

"Elena you won't have a family if she loses." They knew that she was worried about her family and that she had every right to but if she was distracted she was as good as dead and they did not want that to happen.

"Thanks that helps." She had to do something to make sure that she knew that they were safe. She was just not sure what it was that she was going to do.

"You want Cami back well let me tell you this she is not coming back unless you can defeat Induna." They knew how much Cami meant to her and how she would do anything to bring her back. How she wasn't willing to let any innocents get hurt and that was what she was counting on. "Everyone that is under her control is going to die and there will be no way to possibly save any of them. If she lives you die and your children will not have a mother. Skylar Hope Ethan dead. Tyler Hayley your mom your dad the family that you have created." They knew how much family meant to her and that was another thing they were counting on. "All of them are going to be gone if you can not beat her. And there will be no waking back up your done for. You haven't even been on this planet for 25 years and you barley knew your parents for a third of that. You want to lose your parents you want to lose the daughter that you did everything to protect. The Fiance who you have walked through Hell to get. The little family the two of you created. You want your daughter to grow up with no one to teach her how to really control what she is."

"No." She didn't want to lose any of that she had finally got to a point in her life where everything was going good and then this happened. She wasn't ready to give up what she made.

"Then you have to do this." She had to do this she had to beat the hollow on her terms whatever she wanted to do they would back her this was her fight.

"I think what he is trying to say in nicer terms is that everything is on the line and we can't have you distracted you need to focus on taking her down so that you can protect everyone that you love. This is your fight your terms how do you want to do this?"
Elena was sitting with Hayley they had decided to take the kids out. Hayley knew with everything going on it couldn't have been easy for her. "Are you ok?"

"Lot of pressure." It was a lot of pressure and a plan had slowly started to form in her head so that she was focused on what she had to do.

"I can tell" She knew that it was a lot for her and she wanted to do anything that she could to help.

Elena looked to Hayley she had something that she needed her to do if everything went wrong. If things didn't go how they needed to. "I need you to promise me something."

"What?" She was curious to what she would need her to promise.

"If something happens to me don't let them get hurt." She wanted to make sure that her kids her family was going to be ok if everything went wrong if things didn't go as planned.

"Of course." She knew that things were going to be bad if something happened to her.

"I'm terrified that something is going to happen that this is going to be it for me." She was scared that this was going to be it for her this time and she neeeded to know that her kids were going to be ok. That Kol was going to be ok. "That i am going to miss Skylar and Ethan growing up."

"Everyone is scared." Hayley knew that the only family feared what was going to happen.

"Don't let him do anything reckless." She knew that he had the bad habit of doing that and she didn't want him to do anything. She didn't want him to throw everything away if something happened to her.

"Do you know how hard that is going to be?" She didn't want to say it like that but it wasn't going to be easy. He wouldn't be himself if something happened to her. She didn't even know how it would affect her the two had come a long way. "Kol loves you more than anything if you were to die i don't think that he would be able to handle it i don't want to put a damper on things. But he'll lose himself if he loses you."

"That's what i'm afraid of." She was afraid of him losing himself of him changing after things go down.
Elena was laying with Kol she had got Hayley to promise but she knew that it was not going to be as easy for him. "If i lose i lose my life my cousin is going to die."

"Elena your not going to lose your life." He didn't even want to think about something happening to her. He didn't want to think about losing her.

She looked up at him she knew that he didn't want to talk about it but they had to talk about it. Anything could happen they couldn't just wait until the last minute. "You don't know that who knows if i even have a chance at surviving this thing."

"Elena you've only been training for a few days." He knew that she was only training for a few days so she didn't know everything yet and that it was still going to take time.

"Yeah i only have 2 weeks left." She didn't have much time left and she was trying her best.

He didn't want to talk about it he just wanted to act like this wasn't happening he knew that she could do it. "Elena-"

She knew that she still had more time but she needed to say this. "If anything-"

"No!" He couldn't make that promise he couldn't promise that he would move on and act like she wasn't the biggest part of his life.

She sat up looking at him she knew that this was hard but it had to be said.. "Listen to me."

"No you are going to be fine don't even think about saying it." He didn't want to think about something happening to her she was going to survive thos.

"Kol it needs to be said just in case something does happen." It had to be said they had to talk about it.

"No." He refused to habve this disscussion with her. He didn't want to think about her dying about him losing her.

"Kol no you can't do that you have to listen to what i have to say." She kenw that this was hard for them to talk about but they had to kids and she needed to know that he wasn't going to lose himself that they weren't going to potentially lose both of their parents.

"It's not true everything is going to be fine you are going to survive this." He knew that she had survived many things and he knew that she could survive this to.

"And if i don't." She wouldn't get to say goodbye when everything went down she needed to say it before then. "If this just happens to be the end and i don't get to say goodbye i'd like to do it now."

He knew that she had a point but he didn't think he'd survive her dying. Him losing her letting her go the first time had changed him. "Elena-"

"Just listen if anything happens i know its going to hurt but i need you to get through it for the Skylar for Ethan." She knew that it was going to hurt she knew that it was going to be hard. But her children needed their father they were going to need him more than anything else. "They need their father if anything happens they are going to need you." She knew that he wasn't going to let anyone near him he was going to want to stay away from everyone. He was going to want to kill everyone that pissed him off but he couldn't do that. "Don't shut yourself out don't ignore everyone and going on a killing spree."

He couldn't. He knew that he would lose control without him he would be a danger to everyone that was around him. "Elena i -"

"Promise me if anything happens that you'll not lose yourself in the process."

"I can't."

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