Chapter 3

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Mirae stayed in her room for the whole weekend. She ignored all the calls and texts from the boys and chose to focus on schoolwork instead. On Monday, back at school, she spent the whole day avoiding them

In her first period class, Renjun tried to take the seat next to her like usual, but she quickly pulled her friend, Haneul, into the seat instead. The same happened during 3rd period, where Jeno and Jaemin had saved her normal seat between them, but instead she went straight to the back to sit with some of her other friends.

During lunch, she walked straight past their table and went to another one. During gym, she grabbed her friend Hyunwoo to partner with instead of Haechan.

The boys noticed her behavior, and had been expecting it, but they thought she would crack eventually. As the end of the day came around, they waited by her locker, but Mirae never showed up. Even after waiting 30 minutes past the end of school when all the students had left already.

"Where is she? There's no way she went home already." Haechan checked the time again, groaning in frustration with the rest of the boys.

"I was watching the door and didn't see her."

"Maybe she's hanging out with her other friends today?"

"No, Jeno watched all of them leave without her."

"She's not in the library either, Jisung and I checked."

Jaemin was nervously pacing up and down the hallway as the other discussed. He knew his best friend and he knew she must be somewhere in the school. And if she was still in the building, he was going to find her.

"Wait guys." His pacing stopped as an idea popped into his head. "I think I know where she is, let's go."

- - -

Right after school ended, Mirae went straight to the roof. She always went there whenever she needed to cool down. Having to avoid the boys was hard. She wanted answers, but more than anything she knew she needed to keep her distance. There was no reason for her to get involved with all that.

Opening up her backpack, she pulled out her sketchbook and began to draw. She relished in the silence of the afternoon and stared out over the city, her pencil making small marks on the paper.

Her peaceful afternoon was interrupted by the sound of a door slamming open, shocking her out of her daze and causing her to drop her pencil.

"I knew she'd be here."

Mirae turned to see her 6 friends standing in the doorway. Instantly fear ran through her body as they ran towards her.

"Mirae! Where were you?"

"We were so worried."

"Please, we need to talk."

She backed up against the railing, pushing herself to stand as they approached her.

"P-please d-don't hurt me. I-I swear I won't say anything about what I saw last night, ok?" She stuttered out nervously, not even thinking about the words leaving her mouth while holding her hands out in front of her.

"You really think we'd hurt you?" Jaemin speaks in such a small voice that Mirae can't help but tear her gaze away. "Mimi, we'd never do that."

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