Chapter 7

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Jaemin opened up the next door and immediately Mirae flinched backwards. The deafening noise of gunshots thundered through the doorway, fear instantly flooding Mirae's body. Jaemin just rolled his eyes, gesturing for her to wait in the hallway as he walked in.

"HEY IDIOTS!" She heard him scream and then the gunshots ceased. "We have a guest here to meet you guys, please put the guns down. And put the sign on the door if you're going to be shooting, Jesus Christ, you almost blew out my eardrums."

There was a chorus of "sorry"s as Jaemin walked back over to Mirae and pulled her inside. It was a large room with a wall full of different guns on one end and a row of targets on the other. There were three tall boys standing in the middle of the room, guns in each of their hands and guilty expressions on their faces.

"Guys, this is my friend Mirae. She's the one who's going to be staying with us for a while. Mirae, these idiots are Lucas our weapons guy, Jungwoo our explosives expert, and Sungchan our sniper."

He motioned to each boy, all of them waving at her excitedly.

"Oh you are the new girl! We're going to be best friends, I can already tell."

The boy named Lucas stepped forward as he spoke, raising his arms happily. Mirae looked back at him with a nervous smile, her eyes trained on the gun in his hand which was wildly waving around as he gestured at her with excitement. Jaemin noticed her discomfort, mentally face palming at the older boy.

"Lucas, maybe put the gun down. She's not exactly comfortable with all this yet."

"Oh, sorry!" He quickly pulled his hands behind his back, laughing shyly as he stepped back into line with the others.

"Don't worry about it. It's great to meet you three!"

"Alright we have a few more stops so see you guys later!"

Jaemin grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the room with a wave.

"Everyone seems so nice! I can't believe you guys are mafia members." She exclaimed happily.

"Oh you'd be surprised. All of us are nice guys but when it's mission time, it's different. All of us have a dark side. I hope you never have to see that side of us...."

The two of them continued in silence, a heavy air settling over them with Jaemin's comment. They approached a high tech looking set of doors that slid open almost immediately.

"Hey Jaemin, showing the newbie around?"

When they entered the room, two boys were spun around in their chairs. Behind them were sets of huge monitors, screens, and a bunch of other things that she couldn't make sense of.

"Hi I'm Mi-"

"We know who you are. Park Mirae, born on December 19th, 2000. 3rd year at Seoul University, majoring in Biochemistry and General Medicine. Top of your class with a 4.0 GPA. You're a 4th degree black belt, speak 3 languages and live alone with your adoptive brother."

Her jaw dropped as the boy stared back at her. She was at a loss for words, alarmed at how much these strangers already knew about her, even though it wasn't exactly classified information.

"Oh Ten, stop that. You're freaking her out!" The older of the two scolded the other, smacking him on the back of the head. "Hi Mirae, I'm Taeil. I run cyber security and media control for NCT. That creep is Ten. He's the mission strategist and resident hacker. We had to run a background check on you so that's how he knows all the info."

"Oh, got it. Uh... thanks."

Taeil nodded enthusiastically, flashing her a smile before spinning back to his computer. Ten winked at the girl before turning around as well.

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