Chapter 41

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The guys carefully drove through the night to the location that Haneul had given them. Upon arrival, they pulled up to a dark warehouse. They made sure to leave their cars in the cover of the darkness and slowly got out, walking over to the building.

"Yangyang, Xiaojun." Taeyong whispered to the designated spies. "Go search and report back." The two pair nodded to the leader, splitting up and melting into the darkness.

"Mark and Jaemin, go make sure that we weren't followed." The boys nod, grabbing their guns and heading back out from where they came.

"Hey, Taeyong." Jeno whispers as the other dreamies approach him. "We know this place."

"What do you mean?"

"We'd hang out here after school with Mirae, Haneul, Areum, and a few others. It's a completely gutted abandoned warehouse. I doubt they'd be here."

Taeyong opened his mouth to respond, but a rustle to their right stopped him. The boys all grabbed their guns, pointing it in the darkness.

The rustling got louder, and they could hear the sound of muffled cries making their way towards them. Soon, Yangyang emerged from the shadows, throwing down a girl with his bandana wrapped around her mouth.


The second the name left Renjun's mouth, Taeyong was on her, no so gently forcing her to her feet and ripping the cloth off her face.

"So you're the bitch that ruined everything, are you?" Taeyong growled as the girl physically shook with fear. "Where is she?"

"I-I dont know-"


She flinched as Taeyong yelled, pushing her backwards to be restrained by Sungchan and Lucas.

"Check her neck."

Immediately Yuta walked up to her, pulling her hair to the side and seeing a black snake tattoo that was all too familiar.

"Viper." Yuta whispered out with disgust, turning back and nodding to Taeyong.

"So you are one of them." He growled out, twirling a knife threateningly between his fingertips. "I'm going to ask you again, where is she?"

"I'll never tell you."

"Never is a very powerful word. I'd be careful with what you say, Miss Areum." Taeyong drawled with a smirk.

Walking closer to her, he brushed the tip of the knife against her cheek as he bent down to whisper in her ear.

"You'd be surprised at what a little pain can do to someone's resolve. I hope I don't have to show you."

"Taeyong? What is- you!" Mark growled as he and Jaemin emerged from the darkness. He walked straight up to the girl as Taeyong stepped to the side.

"You're the one that caused this!" He grabbed her collar, literally lifting her out of Lucas and Sungchan's grip.

"It's your fault that Mirae's gone! It's your fault that she ran from me!" He growled in her face, one of his hands reaching down to pull out his knife. "You're going to tell me where she is right now or so help me I will make you bleed until you do."


"You bitch-"

Just as Mark raised his arm to cut her, Jeno ran up and pulled him back, causing him to drop Areum. The girl slumped to the ground and Lucas and Sungchan were quick to grab her again.

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