Chapter 29

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"You lied to me."


"I saw you speeding off with that mystery boy yesterday."

Areum stood next to Mirae's locker, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as she spoke.

"Areum, I can explain-"

"Oh don't worry about it, I'll let you keep your little secret boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Sure he's not. Well now that you're off the market, mind giving up one of your boys to me?"


"Oh come on, Mirae. Those 6 hotties who always cling onto you, share the love a little bit. Leave some for the rest of us!"

Mirae laughed as Areum stared at her, dead serious about what she just said.

"Whatever, Areum, go for it with one of them if you want, I have to get to class."

She walked away from her friend and into her 1st period class. As she looked for two open seats for her and Jeno, her eyes landed on a familiar face.

"Hey Hyunjin!"

The tall boy looked up from the book he was reading to see Mirae smiling at him. After seeing him at the mall, she'd began to feel more comfortable around him.

"Hey Mirae, what's up?"

"Not much, but I was wondering if you wanted to come with Jeno and I after school to study for next week's test?"

Jeno peeked out from behind her, nodding at him with a wave.

"I need all the help I can get from you two" Jeno laughed out.

"Sure, sounds good."

"Cool, meet by my locker after school and we'll walk over to the library together."

- - -

After a long day of classes, school was finally done and the three of them made their way over to the library.

"So Hyunjin," Jeno spoke as they sat down. "How are things back at your base?"

"Things are going well, we haven't had much trouble recently which is nice. What about you guys?"

"Not much is going on for us, aside from looking after Mirae here."

"Byungchul's gang, right?" Hyunjin asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Yikes. Those guys can be brutal." Hyunjin replied with a look of disgust, turning to face Mirae. "It's a good thing you have these guys with you."

They opened their textbooks and began studying for their exam. It was approaching their midterms and they all wanted to do well.

After about an hour of studying together, Jeno's phone began to ring.

"I'll be right back guys." He stood up and walked a short distance away to take the call. Mirae and Hyunjin just nodded at him before returning to the notes they were comparing.

"What? Now?" They both paused when they heard the panic in Jeno's voice. "I can't right now! But- ugh okay okay I'll figure it out."

Mirae and Hyunjin exchanged a confused look as Jeno made his way back over to them.

"Guys, Taeyong is sending me out with Dream for something urgent. I'll be back in an hour and we can finish studying then. Hyunjin-"

"I got it. Don't worry, she'll be fine with me." The tall boy smiled at Jeno, who nodded gratefully in response and took off running out of the building.

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