Chapter 6

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*note: underlined words indicate speaking in another language*

"So, Mirae, I'm sure you're very confused right now, and I sincerely apologize for all of this."

Taeyong had led her to a larger room, the 6 dreamies joining them along with Mark, Johnny, Kun, and Jaehyun. She sat on a lounge chair across from Taeyong. Renjun and Chenle sat on either side of her, smiling at her and gripping her hands reassuringly.

"First of all, as I already said my name is Taeyong. I am the leader of NCT."

NCT? That's what the guys at the shop called them... right? She thought to herself, the name sparking an unwanted memory.

"Um... what is NCT exactly? Are you guys some kind of... gang?"

"Yes, NCT is a large gang in the mafia and one of the most powerful in Seoul."

Her blood ran cold and her face turned pale as realization hit her.

I'm sitting in a room of assassins. How many people have they killed? How easily could they kill me....

"Don't worry, though, we have no intention to harm you."

Taeyong looked at her with a surprisingly warm smile, all the frustration from earlier leaving him as he spoke gently to her. He felt bad for the small girl. She was unfairly dragged into this whole mess, and he thought that the least he could do was be kind to her.

"Look, I'm not going to lie about who we are, you deserve the most honesty right now. We've all killed people, and do it quite often unfortunately. We deal in black market trade, drug rings, and things of the sort. It's a dangerous lifestyle, but a lifestyle nonetheless."

"I won't judge you guys, we all make choices and it's not my place. What I'm confused about is why any of this involves me all of a sudden?"

"Well, here's the issue: after you witnessed the... dispute between your friends and one of our rivals the other day, you've become a target. That gang never spares witnesses for risk of exposure and they won't stop until you're dead. Furthermore, after our involvement in your protection earlier today, the word will have gotten around by now and all of our rivals will be hunting for you. Whether that be to kill or to use as blackmail, they know you have value to some of our members and that is enough to put your life in danger. I'm very sorry."

Her eyes widened as she rapidly blinked away the tears. She froze in shock while processing his words, the weight of them hitting her like a truck.

"So... what do I do? It sounds like I'm going to die." She lets out a bitter laugh, her nervousness clear in the pitiful noise.

"Since it's our fault that you were unwillingly pulled into this and put in danger," he pauses to shoot a glare at the dreamies, "we want to help you. You obviously mean a lot to your friends and we never want innocents to die when we can help it. You can stay with us. We'll protect you, house you, feed you, etc. Whatever you need, it'll be here for you."

"Are you telling me to join the mafia?" She spluttered out in disbelief, panic flashing through her eyes.

"No no, we'd never force our lifestyle onto you. We're offering to keep you here as a... guest? Yes, a guest."

"A guest. Really. Will I be able to go outside alone?"

"Well.... no. You'd have to stay inside at all times or be escorted everywhere."

"What about school? Seeing my friends?"

"It's a no to friends. We don't need to risk your safety, let alone your school friends. As far as school, one of the dreamies will need to be with you at all times."

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