Chapter 12

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"Oh my god" Mirae breathed out as Haechan and Renjun slammed the door shut, panting heavily with fear in their eyes.

"Renjun, what the hell happened? This was a low risk job!" Taeyong demanded, running over to the boys.

"We thought we finished with all of them, but as we were leaving I guess we missed one guy and he and hit Mark. We finished him off and got back as soon as we could."

"Quickly, take him to see Doyoung in the medical room."

"But Doyoung isn't here!"

Taeyong paused, at a complete loss for words as he mentally slapped himself, ideas flying through his head as he thought of what to do. A loud, painful groan from Mark snapped him out of his thoughts.

"We'll figure it out, but we can't do anything standing here. Lets go."

The boys rushed past Mirae, running towards Doyoung's office with the bloody Mark. She shook her head, pushing away the shock of Mark's current state and decided to follow them.

Once in the office, Jeno and Jaemin laid Mark carefully down on a bed, the boy groaning in pain at every little move with the blood still flowing from his open wounds. Taeyong and Johnny stood over him, watching helplessly as they tried to think of how they could possibly help the poor boy. The rest of the Dreamies stared at their leader in horror, the panic rising in their chests as Mark continued to bleed, staining the white bed crimson.

"Taeyong, what do we do?"

"I.. I don't know, Jisung. None of us are doctors and Doyoung wont be back for a few more days."

"We can't take him to a hospital, we'll be discovered and wiped out."

"Well Mark won't even make it past the hour if we don't do something!"

"Um... guys?" all the boys turned to look at Mirae, the panic clear on their faces. "I think that uh... maybe I can help."

"What are you talking about?" Johnny asked.

"I'm a 3rd year medical student. I'm certainly no Doyoung, but I can help him at least a little bit."

Taeyong and Johnny exchanged skeptical looks. They knew her schooling background but didn't know if they were willing to trust her to save a member yet.

"Guys, she's our best bet, and she's good too. Mirae's the top of our class, she's done procedures with our professor for 2 years and has been personally invited to intern at Asan Medical Center. If anyone can save him, it's going to be her." Jaemin quickly spoke up, shoving the older boys to the side and gesturing for her to come forward.

Taeyong and Johnny shared a nervous look but stepped back anyway and allowed her to get a closer look. She looked at the boy for a moment, quickly identifying where the wounds were before grabbing a pair of gloves and pulling her hair back.

"Renjun," she turned to her friend who was also in her major, "I'm going to need your assistance on this." He nodded, grabbing a pair of gloves and stepping forward to help.

She worked quickly under the watchful eyes of the boys to clear away the blood as much as she could. Once she had a somewhat clearer view of Mark's wounds, she grabbed a pair of medical pliers and a scalpel, Renjun quickly ushering the other boys out of them room as got ready.

"Injun, set up a Morphine Drip, he's going to be feeling this tomorrow."

- - -

After getting the boys out of the office, Mirae set to work. Her instincts kicked in, pushing away the fear and nervous tremble of her limbs. Her practiced hands worked quickly and carefully to remove each of the bullet's from Mark's body. With Renjun's help, they were able to stitch him up and treat all of his wounds in just under an hour.

"Thanks for your help, Renjun." She said once they finally had finished treating Mark, letting out a sigh and wiping the sweat from her forehead. "I couldn't have done that alone."

The Chinese boy stared back at her with a warm smile, letting out a relieved sigh as his eyes flickered back to the now bandaged up Mark who was still under anesthesia.

"No, thank you for saving him. You didn't need to step up today, I know he hasn't been the nicest to you, but I'm very grateful that you did."

"It doesn't matter that he doesn't like me. He's obviously important and he means something to all of you, so he means something to me too. I'm just glad it worked and that he's going to be okay."

She and Renjun walked out of the room after making sure Mark was in stable condition. They headed to the main room to see all of the boys gathered in silence. Most of them were sitting on the couches, staring into space while Taeyong paced nervously along the side of the room.

The moment Mirae and Renjun entered, all eyes were on them. The tension in the room was palpable as all the boys rose from their seats. Taeyong quickly walked over to stand in front of Mirae, the stress written all over his face.


"He's going to be fine." The room let out a collective sigh, the boys literally collapsing in relief. Taeyong's shoulders relaxed and a small smile came onto his face. "We were able to remove the bullets and stop the bleeding in time."

"Correction: Mirae was able to do all of that while I basically stood there for moral support." Some of the boys laughed at Renjun's comment, Haechan coming over to pull him towards the dreamies as Mirae gave Taeyong the rundown.

"He's going to be pretty sore. We gave him some medicine and morphine so that should help, but he'll still be weak for a while. He can't go on missions or train or anything for at least two weeks until his bullet wounds heal." She informed Taeyong who just nodded along.

"Thank you, Mirae. Mark would've died tonight without you here."

"Any time. I didn't want another life lost because of me." she trailed off the mission from earlier still lingering on her mind.

Maybe this is how I make up for it. At least I managed to save someone tonight.

Taeyong rubbed her shoulder, a silent apology in his eyes as he walked away from her.

"You know" she turned when she heard a voice from next to her. "you really did a lot for us tonight. I know today has been hard for you, and if you ever need to talk, I'm here."

"Wow, THE Jung Jaehyun not flirting with me? I must've done something truly amazing." She replied playfully, trying to ignore the second sentence.

"Mirae, I'm serious. I know you blame yourself for some of the killings we did today, and it's not good to just try and ignore it."

"That's kinda how I handle a lot of my problems, unfortunately. But it's worked up 'till now." she said with a shrug, Jaehyun just shaking his head in response.

"You can try but this will catch up to you sooner than you think. We're all here for you, okay? Think of me as a big brother, a real big brother. Whatever you need, alright?"

"Do big brother's usually flirt with their younger sisters?"

"Oh, don't make it weird, you know what I mean." He just ruffled her hair with an eye roll and walked away.

She let out a sigh as the room started to empty. Checking her phone, she saw that it was already 11pm and decided to call it a day. She retreated to her room and fell asleep.

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