Chapter 30

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"Get inside. Now."

"Bye, Hyunwoo!" She shouts as Jaehyun grabs her arm and yanks her into the house, slamming the door shut.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Mirae?" Jaehyun yelled at her once inside.

She had never heard him raise his voice or get angry before.  His eyes were dark, filled with rage and worry. She felt scared.

"M-my phone died and H-Hyunwoo is a long time friend from school. He offered to w-walk me home after we h-hung out." She stuttered out nervously.

"My god, Mirae, we were worried sick! Taeyong is about to go full demon, your friends are having a panic attack, and Mark is seconds away from trying to go and start an all-out gang war!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't think about it."

"You should've found a way to tell us." Jaehyun breathes out, unable to stay angry for a long time as relief washed over him. He walked closer to the frightened girl, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you, we were all just so worried that you'd gotten taken from us." He backed up, gently wiping the tears streaming down her cheeks and cupping her face. "Let one of us know next time, ok?"

She nodded and hugged him again.

"Come on, let's go tell the others what happened, they're literally going crazy."

He wrapped an arm around her and walked her towards the main room. As they approached she could hear a mix of shouting and crying, making her heartbeat spike in nervousness.

"Guys!" Jaehyun called as they rounded the corner, causing all of them to stop. "She's fine. Her phone died and a friend brought her back."

There was a pause as everyone stared at her, all completely frozen. Her eyes instantly landed on Taeyong, who was wearing the scariest expression she had ever seen. His eyes were so dark, they looked black. His fists were balled up by his side and his jaw was harshly clenched shut as he turned his angry glare on her. The boys were right, he looked like the personification of scary.

As he slowly made his way towards Mirae, Jaehyun shifted forward, protectively putting himself slightly between the two. She also noticed Kun, Yuta, and Johnny all stand from their seats and slowly inch closer to her with their eyes locked onto the leader.

Soon Taeyong was right in front of her, staring down at the small girl with the anger literally radiating off of him in waves. Mirae braced herself for his yelling. She couldn't meet his eyes. She refused to let herself see this boy, who she had grown to trust, look meaner than a demon straight from hell.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

To her surprise, he didn't yell, but she wished that he had. His voice was a low growl, sending chills up her spine as venom laced his every word.

"Did it never once occur to you to let one of us know where you were? When we rearranged our lives to keep you safe?"

His voice started to get louder, the small girl flinching as he yelled out the last part of his sentence.

"I-I'm sorry." She stammered out with a small voice.

"You're sorry? You're sorry?! Your friends have been having a panic attack because they thought they let you get kidnapped or even killed. Jaemin fainted, Haechan hasn't stopped sobbing, and all of us have been preparing to start a gang war just because you went out with a fucking friend and didn't fucking think to tell us?"

Jaehyun nudged her back slightly, glaring at Taeyong as he angrily shouted at her. Mirae shrunk into herself, feeling even more terrified of the leader than before.

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