Chapter 21

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"Hey Mark, how are you?"

Mirae happily sauntered into Dream's personal training room to meet the boy for her private lessons. He looked up from his phone momentarily, scanning her up and down before returning to stare at the screen.


His voice was cold when he spoke, puzzling Mirae, who thought they were starting to make progress.

"What's wrong with you?" she mumbled, walking to stand in front of him. He let out a sigh before shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Nothing. How'd it go today? Are you hurt anywhere?"

She smiled slightly at his concern before shaking her head.

"Good. That means I don't have to go easy on you right now."

Her smile faltered as he walked off the mat. She began to stretch as she watched him slide off his jacket. His muscles flexed as he threw down the thin garment, leaving him in a tight black t-shirt, which left little to the imagination. She could clearly see his defined abs against the material as he walked back over to her.

As nice as he was to look at, it then dawned on her that she'd be fighting this man. With fear prickling along her skin, she stood up and faced him.

"Alright, lets see what you learned today, Mirae."

- - -

"again. quicker this time."

Mark and Mirae had been practicing for three hours and not once had he given her a break. After a quick warmup fight, Mark had been drilling her with different attacks and maneuvers that she had not yet learned.

"do it again. you're not hitting hard enough."

Once again she mustered up her strength and slammed her elbow into the punching bag, spinning around and then striking out with her foot. She heaved heavy breaths as sweat dripped down her forehead. They'd been doing this one move for over half an hour, and she was starting to feel dizzy.

"you're still not spinning fast enough and your kick needs to be stronger. do it again."

She let out a deep sigh, staring at the taller boy, meeting his cold glare as she tried to catch her breath.

"Mark, we've been at this for hours. I need a break."

"Can you just ask for a break in the middle of a mission? When you life is at stake, you think you can just ask to pause for a moment? No. You stop when I say it's good enough."

"Mark it hurts! I'm not used to this, and I had training earlier today too, my muscles hurt. I can't keep doing this."

"I don't care if you're hurt. I said do it again."

She let out a disbelieving scoff at his icy tone, straightening up and taking her stance despite her muscles screaming at her to stop.

Taking a deep breath, she attacked again. Raising her elbow level with her chin, she struck the bag again with a loud thump. As she drew her arm back, she allowed the momentum to carry her into her turn, raising one leg to strike out. Before she could land the blow, however, she toppled over, losing her balance and falling onto the ground.

"Ow!" She let out a painful cry and gripped her ankle as pain shot through her leg when she landed. "ow ow ow!"

Mark's eyes widened as he watched her stumble, panic rising in his chest at her cries. He quickly dropped down next to her, his eyes wildly scanning her.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Are you hurt? Show me. Where is it?"

His hands gently but quickly removed hers as he lightly pressed on her ankle. She could feel the tremble in his grip as he carefully examined it.

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