Chapter 45

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She turned around at the sound of a voice behind her.

"How did you get here?"

She had driven herself to the spot Mark had shown her, feeling like she needed to clear her head. She was sitting there for a few minutes before Mark showed up, going there for the same reason.

"Drove myself."

"Can I sit?" Mark asked, coming to stand next to her.


They sat their in silence for a bit, just staring out at the city and letting the darkness consume them.

"Mirae, we need to talk."

She let out a sharp exhale before turning to face him and nodding her head.

"Will you please hear me out?"

Sighing again, she nodded. Mark reached out to grasp her hands, gently holding them in his.

"I know what you saw and what it looked like, but I swear I didn't cheat on you. I didn't lie to you. She tricked me and came onto me when we heard you coming with Jaemin, I would never do that purposely. The last thing I want to do is hurt you."

She looked at him in silence, seeing the sincerity in his eyes.

"Honestly Mirae, you make me crazy. You make me do stupid things to get your attention. And-and say things I would never say, do things I would never do. You make me feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest, but I love it, and I'd do anything to keep that beautiful smile on your face. I've never met someone who could make me feel the way you do."

She averted her gaze to hide the blush on her cheeks. He gently reached out, his fingers brushing her chin and making her look at him.

"I meant it when I said I loved you. I do, Mirae. I never thought I'd be able to love someone, but I love you. I love you, Park Mirae. Please give me another chance. Please forgive me."

She let out a sigh, still staring at him with their faces only inches apart. You could cut the tension with a knife. Slowly, a smile made its way onto her face and she reached around Mark's neck, pulling him in close to her.

The moment their lips met, it was like everything fell back into place. Mark moved his arms to grip her waist, pulling her into his lap as she ran her fingers through his hair. They moved against one another, trying to pull themselves impossible closer as they relished in the moment.

Eventually, she reluctantly pulled away, the two of them catching their breath and resting their foreheads against one another.

"So does that mean you'll forgive me?" Mark breathed out, a slight nervousness still lingering in his gaze.

"There's nothing to forgive."

He pulled her in for another kiss as the stars sparkled around them.

- - -

After spending some time together, talking and clearing everything up, they eventually drove home, walking into the house with their hands intertwined.

"I'm honestly surprised by you, Mirae." Mark said, looking down at the small girl.

"Why's that?"

"I didn't seriously think you'd give me another chance."

"I wasn't going to, to be honest. I didn't think I'd ever believe it if you told me it was fake, but... let's just say you have some good friends looking out for you."

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