Chapter 32

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Mark and Mirae pulled up to a dark building in a part of town that she wasn't familiar with. She saw that some of the members were there already. Taeyong, Yuta, and Johnny were all there waiting for her out front. She also noticed Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Shotaro, and Sungchan standing on the side. She hopped off the bike as the three older boys walked up to her with a bag.

"Mirae, hop into the vans and change." Taeyong instructed as he passed her a bag and pointed to the van. She took it and quickly rushed into the dark car. "Thanks for bringing her, Mark, you're good to go back now."

"What?" The younger boy recoiled in shock. "What do you mean? I'm not staying for this?"

"No. Only 127 and U are gonna be with her for her first mission, not Dream. We can't have people interfering with this mission. She has to do it on her own."

"But the 6 of them aren't here to jump in, they're her best friends. Why can't I stay?"

The three older boys shared a look before turning back to him.

"You know why, Mark. Go home. Now."


He was interrupted by the closing of a car door, Mirae walking over to them dressed in some of the clothes that he had bought for her at the Dark Court.

She had on a tight black top and black leggings with a harness around her waist holding two knives and a gun. Her black boots had knives tucked into the sides of them with harnesses running down her legs to hold more weapons.

Mark's throat went dry as she walked up to them, her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail.

She looked hot.

"You look great, Mirae, totally mission ready." Johnny said, giving her a quick thumbs up.

"Wow, coming from THE fashion evaluator? You can thank Mark for the clothes, he picked them for me." She smiled at the boy who was still blatantly staring at her.

"Oh right Uh yeah, looks nice, Mirae."

"It's almost time to start. Mark was just heading out." Taeyong said, giving a pointed look to the younger boy.

"You're leaving?"

Mark felt a pang in his heart when he heard Mirae's voice. She sounded scared.

"Yeah but you'll be fine. These guys will make sure of it." He smiled at her, turning to the older boys. "Right guys?" He gave them a hard stare, his smile fading into a threatening glare.

"Of course," Yuta responded, waving him off. "There's nothing to worry about, Mirae."

"Alright, five minutes until we go. Mark, we'll see you back at home."

With a reluctant nod and one more glance at Mirae, he hopped on his bike and drove off.

"Okay, Mirae, you're going to stay with Johnny for this one. He'll give you a run down of everything while we get in position. Just trust your gut and you'll be fine." Taeyong says with a smile before heading off with Yuta.

She looked around, seeing the the other four boys were gone too and it was just her and Johnny left in front of the building.

"Alright Mirae," the taller boy says, straightening up. "Follow me and I'll explain along the way." He started walking towards a door, holding it open for Mirae as they entered the sketchy building.

"So this isn't a mission we'd usually take on since this gang is so small, but that's why we thought it would be a good one for you to start on. We're doing this as a favor to one of our allies, Stray Kids, who you already know." Johnny spoke fast as they rushed through the building, making their way to the second floor and getting into position.

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